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(fwd) Re: [RC] Fw: [RideManagers_of_AERC] Race of Champions? Re: *SPAM* [RC] How to Get Your Spouse to Agree to But an LQ Trailer Re: [AERCMembersForum] Re: [RC] Mea Cupla, was: Weight Divisions [RC] [RC] WERM Trailer Flooring Re: [RC] TEVIS RIDE [RC] (no subject) [RC] [FWD: re: Weight] RE: [RC] [RC] broke horse just started bucking Re: [RC] [RC] Fw: [RideManagers_of_AERC] Race of Champions? - Truman Prevatt Re: [RC] [RC] going to Tevis :) Re: [RC] [RC] GPS Advice [RC] [RC] Kahlil Khai passes - Joe Long Re: [RC] [RC] Kahlil Khai passes.. RE: [RC] [RC] Limiting factors Re: [RC] [RC] Oregon 100 - AHA National Championship Re: [RC] [RC] Physics Re: [RC] [RC] RE Physics of Weight RE: [RC] [RC] re: trailer races/championships RE: [RC] [RC] Riding shoes ..cold miserable and yuck Re: [RC] [RC] The Physics of Weight [RC] [RC] The Reality of Weight Divisions RE: [RC] [RC] Weight [RC] _The Lame Horse_(was: the Physics of Weight) [RC] Re: [RC]?? Where's Ridecamp [RC] 1rst ride at GENESEE I [RC] Acid Wash question [RC] Addiction to Tevis? [RC] AERC online point standings updated [RC] AHAM Story- finally... [RC] Am I the only one who can't see any of the Tevis uploads? [RC] Animal Tacker [RC] another Robinson's photo album [RC] Anyone looking for crew for Tevis? [RC] apoligize for #$% [RC] auburn finish [RC] Auburn Finish? [RC] BC scores [RC] best HRM? [RC] Best route from Fort Collins to Nebraska? [RC] biothane :D [RC] biters, buckers, balkers, bolters & belligerent bozos. [RC] Bosana Boots [RC] broke horse just started bucking [RC] Bucking [RC] caja ride updates [RC] Captions are up! Re: [RC] Challenge of Champions [RC] Char's Tevis crew [RC] Cool up and coming gelding [RC] crew needed for Tevis--Rachel [RC] CSI saddle pad [RC] Dangerous Physics [RC] dealing with physical characteristics [RC] Definition of Champion? [RC] Delay uploading Re: [RC] Did I Understand You Correctly? [RC] Dr Q and Tevis? [RC] DR Q is OK [RC] e mail [RC] easywalker horse shoes [RC] Easywalkers [RC] Egyptian Arabs and Endurance [RC] Endurance in Virginia! RE: [RC] FAB Digest Number 4977 [RC] FEI vs CEI [RC] FEI vs CEi [RC] FEI vs CEI [RC] First four horses into Foresthill [RC] Followup on unspoonsored Juniors [RC] Fw: Karen - This years Tevis Stats - Dreamweaver Re: [RC] Fw: [RideManagers_of_AERC] Race of Champions? Re: [RC] Fw: [RideManagers_of_AERC] Race of Champions?//Handicaps Fwd: Re: [RC] Fw: Never Pull Off The Road To shit ! Re: Fwd: Re: [RC] Fw: Never Pull Off The Road To siht ! [RC] Fwd: [barefoothorsecare] Digest Number 2606 [RC] GA Tyfa Mynte [RC] Genesee -- THANKS [RC] Genesee I Results [RC] Genesee II [RC] Genesee Ride GREAT Ride although not Morgan friendly! [RC] Genesee ride in PN [RC] Genesee Rides (NE) -- hot, hot, hot! [RC] Genesee Rides (NE) hot, hot, hot [RC] going to Tevis :) [RC] Harrisburg layover RE: [RC] Heavy Weight vs The Trail [RC] Heavy Weight vs The Trail - was ROC [RC] Helmet Wearing Husband [RC] helmet wearing husband Jeanie [RC] Hilary Clayton [RC] Hillary Clayton [RC] Hoosier Daddy Ride 2006 is uploaded onto my web site for your review
  • 937 || 08.06.06
[RC] horse deaths 07/23/06 3day event at Rebecca Farm in Kalispell, MT [RC] Horse weight (body score) [RC] How many Horse People Does it take to change a lightbulb?? (Cute) [RC] How to Get Your Spouse to Agree to But an LQ Trailer [RC] Idaho/Wyoming Road info [RC] Insurance/AERC/USEF Affliation [RC] international Transport [RC] Junior points [RC] Kahlil Khai - remembering..... [RC] Kahlil Khai passes [RC] Kahlil Khai passes.. [RC] Layover in Harrisburg Pa [RC] layover in Harrisburg. Pa area [RC] Layover needed in MI [RC] learning about physics, weight, etc. [RC] Learning at School [RC] Learning at School (was: Physics) [RC] Life saved this weekend by a helmet [RC] Limiting factors [RC] Looking for a farrier [RC] Losing Weight Re: [RC] Mea Cupla, was: Weight Divisions [RC] Michigan Bluff Photos [RC] microchips [RC] More Tevis photos [RC] My error [RC] Natural Ride Saddle [RC] need number Charlotte Ladevig in NC [RC] New albums - Robinson's, Devil's Thumb and Foresthill [RC] New Features and Changes at the AERC website [RC] Nice Article About Barbara White In Santa Cruz Sentinel [RC] Office exceeding authority [RC] Office making AERC rules - was "[RC] Unsponsored Juniors Responses" [RC] Oops! [RC] Oregon 100 [RC] Oregon 100 - AHA National Championship Re: [RC] Oregon 100 //Too Easy? [RC] OT: AOL email [RC] Our choice of Equipment (was: Weight) [RC] Physics RE: [RC] Physics of Weight [RC] Physics of Weight.....All Wrong Re: [RC] Physics of Weight//Live Weight/Dead Weight [RC] Pink Flamingo Classic [RC] Prescott Man v. Horse Race [RC] Rder/weight study RE: [RC] RE Physics of Weight RE: [RC] RE RC Helmet Wearing Husband and LQ Trailers? [RC] re: trailer races/championships [RC] re:bucking horse [RC] RE:Hornet's nest - a sneakier way [RC] Re:Stirring up Hornet's Nest [RC] RE; Pyramid Challenge and SE [RC] readiness
  • jen || 08.02.06
[RC] Readiness [RC] ready!!
  • jen || 08.04.06
[RC] redwood ride II
  • jen || 08.01.06
[RC] Request For Information on a Saddle Manufacturer. [RC] rider/weight study [RC] Riding boot and shoe Question [RC] Riding shoes [RC] Robie Park Photos [RC] Robinson's Flat Photos [RC] Rudeness [RC] rudeness [RC] rudeness during awards [RC] Rudeness during awards Re: [RC] rudeness during awards Re: [RC] Rudeness during awards [RC] Santa Cruz Fireworks Ridestory [RC] Santium Cascade Ride is canceled [RC] Saturday Tevis Video - Robinson's Flat [RC] sore butt Re: [RC] Sore butt [RC] Stables in Seattle that are near trails [RC] Stirring up a Hornet's Nest [RC] Stirring up a hornet's nest! [RC] Tevis [RC] tevis [RC] Tevis [RC] Tevis - Just Another Trail Ride [RC] Tevis - need horse transport from Oregon Fw: [RC] Tevis Oops Nancy [RC] Tevis Front Runners [RC] Tevis Photos -- new album [RC] Tevis pictures! Re: [RC] Tevis pictures! .... [RC] TEVIS RIDE [RC] Tevis Riders and crews Re: [RC] Tevis spectator...need advice [RC] Tevis Video Links from Friday [RC] Tevis Webcast [RC] Tevis... my ride story, losing my family member to cancer [RC] Thanks, Mike [RC] The Gauntlet is Thrown Re: [RC] The Horse's Prerogative [RC] The Physics of Weight [RC] The Physics of Weight Divisions [RC] The Real Reason Weight Matters [RC] The Reality of Weight Divisions RE: [RC] The Reality of Weight Divisions //IQ/EQ/Hi$torical Handi&cent;ap$ Re: [RC] The Reality of Weight Divisions //IQ/EQ/Hi$toricalHandi¢ap$ RE: [RC] The way to train animals [RC] Thinking about riding the HTH but nervous about the heat/humidity?(Maine) [RC] thinline pads - anyone use them? opinions? [RC] This years Tevis Stats Re: [RC] This years Tevis Stats - Dreamweaver [RC] Those stinging S.O.BEES [RC] To Char and Tevis riders [RC] Trailer Races [RC] training moose
  • CTH || 08.01.06
[RC] Unsponsored Juniors Responses [RC] Unsponsored Juniors again [RC] until we meet again, Kahlil Khai [RC] Video of Foresthill leaders -- 2nd, 3rd, and 4th [RC] Video of the current Tevis Leader [RC] Volunteers needed for Hot Toddy Hustle (Maine) on 8/12! [RC] Weight [RC] Weight Answers If You Want Them Re: [RC] Weight Divisions [RC] Weight divisions Re: [RC] Weight Divisions [RC] weight matters . . . not? [RC] Weight-Long [RC] Weight--Long [RC] WERM Trailer Flooring [RC] West vs East [RC] What Frank Said..... [RC] Work Schedules [RC] yellow jackets [RC] Young lady moving to Vermont.. re:[RC] broke horse just started bucking Re: [RC] Challenge of Champions

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