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[RC] Unsponsored Juniors Responses - Michael Maul

In response to:"AERC allows an unsponsored Junior to ride as senior with a letter from the office. There's no qualifications on this."

The Junior needs to meet the minimum number of miles on this of course and have parent permission. But once that's met - it doesn't matter whether the ride is Tevis, the Pan Am, or a RM qualification - they still ride as a senior. No RM or group can change that.

In addition - the Junior can change their status to unsponsored anytime in the year. Adults cannot do that. They can make a change in wt or region only until June 1. After that - it's unchangeable. If for example you lose weight and drop below a minimum - you *have* to carry weight to make the minimum. And the office doesn't allow adults to switch at will multiple times without a good reason.

In response to:"You say it is unfair because
competitors need to know who they are competing against."

Juniors are as competitive as the rest of our members. They need to know whether the person is riding as a junior or a senior to compete in their division. Juniors can't get overall points but if they were riding as a senior - they can and will take top ten points. Their senior competitors deserve to know who they are competing against.

"The bottom line here is that we allow seniors to change their divisions
based on changes in their circumstances. "

We require seniors to change region/wt divisions if they move or lose weight. There's no requirement to change if you gain weight. Those are required changes to meet our rules. Deciding to ride as a senior is a discretionary choice for a Junior and they certainly have flexibility in this.



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