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[RC] Mountain Lions - Ann Blankenship

Subject: [RC] Advice on Mountain Lions


Well, we can only tell you about Western Mountain Lions, not Eastern Mountain Lions, as my husband from Tennessee would say.:)..  but in the California foothills we have a lot of mt. lions.  People see them regularly.  One lady got eaten a couple years ago but she was a runner and the cougar had a cub.  Riders see them all the time and I have never heard of a lion chasing a rider here.  There was some story about that several years ago back east someplace but I don't know if it was true or what the circumstances were.  They will occasionally chase a mountain biker (must be exciting for the biker).  As previous advice stated, get LARGE, get LOUD, don't RUN.  If you encounter a lion while you're with children, pick up the children and try to appear BIG.  (or I guess you could throw the child in the general direction of the lion and run like hell....  <ok just kidding, don't get jumpy>
