Julie wrote, "She seems to resent people invading
her space."
Julie, that is a very interesting observation. I've
known some people who were the same way :)
I also have a mare that use to try to bite.
Sometimes it was during the girthing process but most times, looking back now,
it was just when people came near her. So now that I have thought about that, I
realize that she is like that in the pasture as well. She absolutely
hates other horses near her except her son. Sometimes she barely tolerates
him! She is also a viscous double back feet kicker, but only in the pasture.
On the other hand, when she was saddled, she was
all work. Never had her bite or kick anyone or any horse. The experts say
we shouldn't try to put human emotions or acts upon our animals. But, I don't
know that they don't have feelings or thoughts. If I don't want someone coming
to close to me for whatever reason, why can't a horse feel the same way? That
doesn't excuse a bite, which most certainly has to be dealt with but you are
still left wondering, "WHY?"