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2018 Owyhee Hallowed Weenies - photos and results

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2018 Owyhee Hallowed Weenies
Images by Merri Melde


Merri Pix

Steph Pix

A Howlin' Owyhee Hallowed Weenies

Monday October 28 2019

The Northwest endurance ride season wrapped up Saturday October 26th in a desert hurricane in the Owyhee Hallowed Weenies. (Rider Kaili Worth appropriately proclaimed it the "Hallowed Windys".)

A small but intrepid group of festive endurance riders and jovial volunteers braved the elements (or ignored the forecast) for one last 2019 trail party. Despite the howling winds, a number of costumes entertained the masses, including Thing 1 and Thing 2, a Trick Rider (Connie with That Guy strapped on her back), Fall and Winter, a scary skeleton, and more.

12 of 13 finished the 50 miler, with David Laws winning aboard his Kentucky Mountain horse Che' Ole, making that their 6th win out of 9 starts this year, and their third Best Condition.

12 of 13 finished the 25 miler, with Carrie Johnson winning aboard Payback Daysea Duke, their 12th completion in 12 Limited Distance starts this season, which included 3 wins and 3 Best Conditions. Second place Allison Kopelowitz and her Appaloosa Pepsi got Best Condition. This was Allison and Pepsi's first endurance season, and they finished all 4 of their Limited Distance starts.

The Best Chili Ever was served for the ride dinner (or else everybody was cold and starving, but it was awful good), and there were so many cakes we'll have leftovers for the Owyhee Tough Sucker in April!

And that's a wrap for the Northwest in 2019!

Come join us for the last ride of the Northwest season!
We WILL have a Halloween Costume Contest!

Ride Managers: Regina Rose: 208 250 8662, Email Regina , and Steph Teeter: 208 473 4877, Email Steph

Ride is based out of the Teeter ranch in Oreana. Easy access off of Hwy 78. Showers and toilets.

It's fall in Owyhee County - weather can be almost anything! Generally dry but could be warm or cold, ya never know! And there might be a little wind. Trails will consist of single track trails, jeep roads, cow paths, sand washes, ridge tops - and the footing is pretty decent! Some rocky sections but nothing really horid. Rolling terrain, but a generally easy-moderate trail. You'll be riding south to Hart Creek, and across Triangle Rd for a loop around the Browns Ck drainage for the first loop. The second loop will be single track trails, cow trails, jeep roads, a little bit of everything - north a bit, then south a bit, should be a fun trail.

2012 Day 1 by Merri Melde

From I-84 East (Oregon) Take Nampa exit 35 and follow signs to Hwy 45 (to Murphy) which takes you south towards Murphy. Follow hwy 78 east (left) after crossing the Snake River.

Between mile markers 42 and 43, you'll turn south on the Oreana Road (little green sign points to Oreana, between mile markers 42 and 43). That goes about 2 miles or so

2018 Owyhee Hallowed Weenies: Wrappin' It Up - Merri Melde

October 31 2018

The Crown Prince with Blood On His Hands. A couple of Butterflies. Alec Ramsay on The Black Stallion. Wonder Woman. A Ballerina. A Jockey on a Giraffe. A Unicorn. A Steampunker.

It was just another typical fine autumn day in the Owyhee high desert with an eclectic group of endurance riders, gathering for the Owyhee Hallowed Weenies, the last ride of the season. The weather was perfect, the golden cottonwoods at their most flamboyant. And photographer Steve Bradley survived to shoot the ride after Cindy's naughty crabby horse Bo, who's 20 but was acting like a 2-year-old, kicked him in the arm while vetting in on Friday.

We were pleased to have Oregon vet Jessica back (and hope and plan to have her back more and more, since Robert abandoned us for more southern grounds), and new vet Jake from Gooding. We hope we didn't scare Jake off from endurance, though he said that we are the least crazy horse people he's been around.

20 riders started the 50, with 13 finishing. The Cobbleys finished first, with Mike and Taladega getting the win, and Jessica and The Big Brass in second. Mike made an appearance as Lady Godiva on Taladega last Halloween, but either Mike had some boob malfunctions, or the long flowing locks made riding difficult, or Taladega objected, because he dressed as himself this year. Connie Holloway, dressed as Alec Ramsay on The Black Stallion (since Finneas *is* a grandson of the Black Stallion), finished third.

And tied for fourth was the other Jockey (me) on the Giraffe (Hillbillie Willie), and Naomi Preston and the amazing Fire Mt Malabar. 19-year-old 'Uncle Mal' (over 7000 AERC miles, and now 3rd on the all-time Best Condition list) taught 6-year-old Hillbillie Willie Whippersnapper (355 miles - only his 9th ever endurance ride) a few things on their desert odyssey together. Malabar even graciously ignored young Willie whenever the dorky Standardbred tried out his best Stink Eye on Malabar several times during the day.

6th place Karen Steenhof and Riley got the Best Condition award, his first BC on a 50, and his 50th completion in 50 starts (LDs and 50s).

14 started and finished the 25 miler, with Joan Zachary and her Chico winning and getting Best Condition. TJ Sabala was first Junior aboard Fletch.

As the sun set over the Owyhee mountains, the flame of the autumn cottonwoods faded, the giraffe and butterflies and unicorn disappeared, and the endurance horses curled up under the stars, drifting to sleep to wait for another season of Owyhee endurance rides.

See you next year!