Re: [RC] re: Bryce and wilderness - Barbara McCrary
I would rather ride without placing and points than not
ride at all, even though it is not an "endurance ride" by our rules. But that is
another issue...
I could not agree more with Joe's last sentence. Let's
make that an AERC goal for 2010!
The problem
is that a ride that complied, along the lines you suggest, would not be an
endurance ride.
That's a problem. But we are not the only group
disaffected by the arrogance of the Sierra Club and its allies who want to
close vast tracts of public land to everyone but themselves.
It took
an act of Congress to get the Tevis grandfathered through Granite
Chief. I'd like the AERC to seek a specific exemption for endurance
rides through our Congressmen.