Title: "There is always a well-known solution to every human
problem--neat, plausible, and wrong
The analogy to human track is flawed. There is no such distinction in
human track - that longer the distance somehow the higher on the
pecking order. Endurance riding evolved on the premise that the shorter
distances were to lead up to the longer distances. In human track - the
100 meter is an even every bit the same as is a 5K or marathon. In fact
depending on era - different distances are considered the elite events.
For example in the 60's 70's time frame it was the mile given Keino,
Ryun, etc. More recently in the 90's it was probably the 100 because of
Carl Lewis and more recently it has been the 400 meter and 200 meter
probably having as much to do with Michael Johnson as anything.
In the track world there is no ranking of distances as seems to be the
case of endurance riding. Personally the name of endurance riding is
just fine. Changing the name won't change the arguments any more than
giving the skunk a new pretty sounding name would make you smell any
less worse if he nails you.
Such a change would require a bylaws change - and I don't see that it
is worth the time or money.
Bruce Weary DC wrote:
agree with Bob on this. We should probably be proactive and rename our
sport "Distance Riding" to distinguish it from
the distances that the casual trail rider typically travels. Then,
under that banner, we would have Limited Distance, and the various
Endurance distances. Then, when a Distance Rider, does a Limited
Distance ride, he/she won't complain or wonder why the
moniker of Endurance Rider isn't assigned to them, any more than a 5K
or 10K runner would wonder why they aren't called marathoners.
They are simply happy to be a member of the "running world."
This will take time, and perhaps a new generation of riders before
such a transition can be completed, but it addresses the inclusionary
issues that
Steph mentioned, honors riders at every distance, and maintains a
tiered honor system for those who indeed do ride the longer distances.
"There is always a well-known solution to every
problem--neat, plausible, and wrong." H. L. Mencken