>>>>Hello Marsh and all. 100 is
not a unsurmountable distance. It can well be done at a very leisurely 5
mph pace.
Lately I have seen a trend towards riders going
*too* slow to be optimal for their horses. When you say it can be done at 5mph I
would say that's *averaging* 5mph...maybe 8 mph in good parts of the day,
dropping down to 3 mph in the dark sometimes. People need to realize that going
slower than your horse's most efficient pace isn't doing him any favors and a 16
hr. 100 may be easier on him than a 20! :-)
100's are the BEST and I wish everyone would set
that goal for themselves at least once. I have made every decision I make with
my horses with the goal of doing more 100's since I did my first in the late
90's. I haven't finished one on a horse of my own since 2001...but that
doesn't mean I'm not trying to get there every day.