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Re: [RC] New incentive to enter 100's - vccfarms

I entered the 50 at an elevator ride and choose to ride the 50.  I rode the first 25 slowly with my 8 year old daughter, as her sponsor (not really a factor)..  By the time I completed the 50 I was last, but with plenty of time and a healthly horse.   I still had time to elevate up to the 75, so I did.  By the time I completed the 75 it was dark, winds were blowing and my horse had spooked and was off on his right hind (we did complete the 75 within time)  I got credit for nothing.  It would have been nice, in this case, to get that credit as we did vet thru on the 50.  If I had entered the 75 and only completed the 50 I could accept the DNF. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Barbara McCrary <bigcreekranch@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: tracetribute@xxxxxxxxx; desertrydr1@xxxxxxx
Cc: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Tue, 7 Oct 2008 12:43 am
Subject: Re: [RC] New incentive to enter 100's

Jeri, that was part of the discussion when I was on the board.  It was suggested that if one entered the higher mileage and didn't finish or quit at the lower mileage, one would get credit for the mileage completed.  Again...commitment.  If one enters the lower mileage and still has the horse and appetite for the longer distance, then elevate!  But to quite before finishing the distance entered and still get credit for what you finished....no, I don't think so!  Interesting how the same issues come up every so often.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2008 9:37 PM
Subject: Re: [RC] New incentive to enter 100's

Sounds like a no-brainer to say NO to that rule.  If you enter a certain distance and don't complete that distance, you didn't complete!  How hard is that to figure?  The best way to go about something like that might be as an elevator ride.  Enter the 50 or 75, then if you're having a good day, elevate to the 100.  jeri

-----Original Message-----
From: Angie Fura <tracetribute@xxxxxxxxx>
To: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; aercmembersforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Mon, 6 Oct 2008 9:51 am
Subject: [RC] New incentive to enter 100's

At Yellow Hammer this past weekend, an annoucement was made about a suggestion for a new rule.    It went something like this:  if you enter a 100 and get pulled 50+ or 75+ miles, you would still get credit for the 50 or 75 miles that you did ride.  The announcer - I didn't catch the name - wanted us to contact our directors to voice our opinions on it.
My knee jerk reaction was no way!  Am I just resisting change?  What does every one else think?
Angie Fura

[RC] New incentive to enter 100's, Angie Fura
Re: [RC] New incentive to enter 100's, desertrydr1
Re: [RC] New incentive to enter 100's, Barbara McCrary