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RE: [RC] The Old Way (was: Spanish Mustangs) - Terry Banister

Well, Kat, you are talking individual owners taking a moral and financial responsibility to have their individual horse euthanized on their property. That is what we want!  But this thread is about people creating/accumulating more horses than they have a plan for, and passing their responsibility to others, by just sending the horse down the road to auction or abandoning them. It is about horses that end up being an excess, unwanted commodity. It is about these accumulated quantities of horses, not being euthanized on the owners property, but being gathered like trash and transported from various geographic areas and held in communal death camps. The entire process is what is inhumane, not just the method of killing. And no one wants those death camps in their town anymore.
Why do you want to send horses off to mass slaughter camps while they are alive? There will never be enough of these places to avoid long travel. The system of shipping live horses for the purpose of euthanizing will always mean that they will be put in the hands of people who will treat them like they are already "dead meat". It happens with the dogs in the Asian countries also. People who do that for a living are people who do not see the animal with compassion~They handle that kind of job by turning off their feelings ~ to the point that it is no longer a living being in their eyes, but just a "commodity"? Why do you want that to continue for horses?
All societies make laws. Nearly everywhere, it is illegal to traffic in humans. And in the U.S., it is illegal to bet on human sporting events. It is illegal because our society feels it is immoral/amoral and abusive to the human being. Animals are living beings. Does this country financially need to allow horses to continue to be exploited? Does the gambling world need live animals to bet on? Does it hurt breeders ato be accountable for the number of horses they put on the market? If there were not such an excess of healthy horses, the rescue operations would be able to accomodate the numbers of sick/old/unuseable horses. If people did not accumulate more horses than they could pay for until the horses' death, they wouldn't run into the problems we are hearing about. Bit I see your point ~ If there were just more slaughterhouses, we wouldn't need to spend our time trying to addrfess all these issues, and we could spend more time riding!

> From: katswig@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> To: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [RC] The Old Way (was: Spanish Mustangs)
> Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2008 18:32:13 -0800
> From: "Terry Banister" <ebeyrider@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> > And horses are not being killed humanely anymore,
> > and the urbanization of America is not going to let things
> > go back to the old days of a humane local slaughterhouse
> > in every town, or even in every state. We cannot go
> > backward.
> This argument simply does not hold any water. I live in (sub)urban
> downtown Fullerton, and I can, tomorrow (not today and certainly not
> just yesterday) call up Brea Meats and they will send somebody to my
> house to kill my pig, my goat, my chicken, my cow or whatever, haul it
> off in their refrigerated truck and render it into meat for me. I can
> even deliver to them the carcass of the deer or elk or bear
> or...whatever I shot while out hunting and they will render that into
> meat for me.
> But I can't call them and have them do the same for my horse (at least,
> they cannot legally). I can call the vet and have the vet kill my horse
> (or even kill my horse myself) and call the horse meat render to haul it
> off in their non-refrigerated truck and render it into fertilizer for
> themselves.
> The difference here has absolutely nothing to do with how the animal is
> treated, how it is killed, where it is killed, whether it is killed or
> even who it is killed by. The only difference is that a commercial
> butcher is not allowed to render a dead horse into horse meat because
> there is a dumb law against it.
> And this law has nothing to do with the humane treatment of live horses
> but rather everything to do with what is done with the carcass when it
> was dead. And it was passed because foolish, unthinking, and ignorant
> people were grossed out by the idea of anybody or anything eating horse
> meat and never thought beyond the idea of "Eeeewwwww."
> Personally, I would prefer that my dead horse were rendered into dog
> food than into fertilizer (and it is both more economical and more
> environmentally friendly to do so), but I am not given that option
> because there is a law against it.
> Oh yeah...and it consequently turns vets into butchers as well. If I
> could call the guy from Brea Meats to put down my horse, then my vet
> (who DIDN'T go to vet school because he wanted to professionally kill
> animals) would be spared that unpleasant task.
> "We cannot slaughter horses anymore because the drive to the
> slaughterhouse is too long now," simply has no validity. I can, even in
> the middle of almost totally urbanized Southern California, call the
> slaughterhouse to come to ME....just so long as the animal I want
> slaughtered isn't a horse. And I am willing to bet that ten years from
> now, Brea Meats will still be there, and they will still send a man to
> my house to turn my pet goat into dinner if I want him to. If not, it
> won't be because of urbanization, it will be because somebody passed a
> dumb law abouts goats too.
> Calling the "knackers" to come to you is the "old way" and yes it would
> be really great if we could go "back" to that old way for our horses.
> It certainly would be far more humane than the way horses are treated
> now and far more humane than what any of the "anti-slaughter" people are
> proposing for the future. It is pretty pathetic that goats, pigs, and
> cows have more humane options for end of life than a horse does. More
> noble purpose for what is done with their carcass as well.
> kat
> Orange County, Calif.
> :)
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[RC] The Old Way (was: Spanish Mustangs), k s swigart
RE: [RC] The Old Way (was: Spanish Mustangs), Terry Banister
Re: [RC] The Old Way (was: Spanish Mustangs), k s swigart