Re: [RC] pupura hemorrhagica - Don HustonHello Beth,Your description also sounds like "pigeon fever" also called "dryland distemper". From the vet manual, under Purpura hemorrhagica, the 3rd link down, the photo from Dr. Thomas Lane, the horse with filling under the chest and flank, we had several that looked like that after a week or so along with the pussy bumps. My horses never swelled up and got the "pigeon look" but they got lots of bumps everywhere like hives but bigger that burst after a while and leaked lots of pus X;{. The large filling underneath got very hard and never burst and eventually went away. Some got Penn-G some didn't and all got well eventually (some took 4-5 months until 100%) and the scars from the bumps have all gone away. Pigeon fever (if that's what your horse has) is very contagious. Good luck At 11:38 AM 1/28/2007 Sunday, you wrote: Purpura hemorrhagica of horses is a form of nonthrombocytopenic purpura that often is a sequel of an earlier Streptococcus equi respiratory infection; it is mediated by immune complexes of antibody and streptococcal antigen in vascular basement membranes.