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Re: [RC] [RC] [RC-Digest] Vol: 03.5368 - Dawn Carrie

OMG, Chip, you just described my 21 yr old gelding Chivas!!!  He was always kinda laid back on conditioning rides, but was absolutely crazed at an actual ride.  There were a number of times he bloodied my hands from trying to slow him down.  That horse loved to go to rides...his ears would be in the full upright and locked position, and he would go into search and destroy mode when trail was opened!  And holy cow, that boy can trot...haven't found a horse yet that can keep up without breaking into a canter when Chivas hits his big trot.  I did my first 50 on him in 2002.  Unfortunately, a couple of months later he stepped in a hole on a 50 and we went arse over teakettle at a fast trot...I broke my eye socket, but he ended up with some recurrent chiro problems that kept cropping back up and causing him to get tight in one rear leg when his pelvis would go "out" again.  I'd give anything to be still doing rides on him.  I remember one time someone asked me his name and I said "Chivas," and they said no, what is that full name that you call him?  I thought about it for a minute, and then realized that they'd been hearing me yell "Damnit, Chivas!!" for the entire first loop, and thought he had some sort of formal name I called him.  LOL
Actually, I'm going to try and find time to condition him for an LD or two this winter...as I told my husband, I haven't felt sheer, raw terror in a long time...I miss it...
Dawn Carrie, Texas
and Chivas (You mean I get to chase horse butts again?!?)

On 10/15/07, Chipnml@xxxxxxx <Chipnml@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Kim, you've described my guy, Cheers, whom I competed for 13 years.  Although I never did 100's with him, we would often do two 50's in a weekend.  There is not a word in any language to describe the way he lugged: my arms would be shaking with exhaustion after the first loop.  He, too, broke a few martingales.  I would often be in tears on the first loop because the thought of dealing with him for 50 miles was so overwhelming.  Any time someone passed us, or he could see someone ahead of him he would surge ahead.  On the other hand, I NEVER had to worry about him eating or drinking.  If he didn't, I knew he didn't need to.  When he wanted to drink he would come to a screaming halt (usually with me doing the screaming) at whatever water source was handy, and almost pull me off putting his head down to drink.  When we got near camp, he would settle down to a nice big walk, his ears forward and the sweetest _expression_ on his face....no one ever believed me when I'd tell them what a s**t he was, until they happened to ride with me!  In all the years I competed him, he never did learn to pace himself.  However, like you, I grew to love him, and accepted the limitations brought on by his behavior. Even though the horse I compete now is soooo much easier on me, I would give anything to have Cheers back out there!  BTW, he also had a big fat tongue, and I found a french snaffle seemed to lay in his mouth much easier.

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Re: [RC] [RC-Digest] Vol: 03.5368, Chipnml