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[RC] Fwd: FW: Night Runner - Crysta Turnage

This looks pretty cool...  I would NOT want to ride in FRONT of anyone with one of these on though.  =)  But for those that like to ride with a really bright light, check it out.
~ Crysta

-----Original Message-----

One of the more interesting courses at Dartmouth is Engineering 21, in
which teams of students attempt to build a prototype of a marketable
device solving a real-world problem.  This year one team chose to
design and build a specialized light for running at night.  It makes
running safer by marking the runner, and provides illumination for
increased safety.  Unlike LED headlamps, it is mounted on a waist or
chest belt to minimize bobble of the lighting and provide wide angle
illumination of the runners path.  It won this year's annual Big Green
Business Competition, and is expected to reach the retail market in
about a year.

You can see the device in use at:
and read the official announcement of the award at: