a friend has a beautiful paint mare, her only horse and the light of her
several months ago the mare somehow got a hole in her forehead which
probably was from a broken branch or something. anyhow they got the hole
healed and a few weeks ago the mare overnight became blind. the optic
nerve in one eye is dead and the other has a catarac (sp) which cannot be
removed. caused by trama. without treatment the eye will need to be
removed but with the meds they say that might be avoided. she can see
nothing through this eye either.
in the short time she's been blind the mare has learned to move freely and
without fear at her home. even gallops around the trees, stops at the
fence and so on.
my friend has taken her on the trails a couple of times and they say it's
awesome the way she listens to my friend who tells her going up, going down,
step over and so on. the one problem they've had so far is my friend
didn't realize that she must stop the mare if they've been going down and then
start up. she's doing that now.
what i'm asking here is if anyone knows anyone who trail rides a blind
horse and if so how do they do? i know if i could tell my friend of
other's who do fine with a blind horse it would give her such a boost!
thanking you in advance for sharing any knowledge of others who are okay with
this problem.
patty in georgia
Man does not have the only memory, The animals remember, The earth
remembers, The stones remember, If you know how to listen, they will tell
you many things.