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[RC] Rescues - was Slaughter/Breeding, a subject JT is ticked off hasrun too long :) - Diane Trefethen

Well, you're right Tiffany. It is no big secret now that you've TOLD us all... duh! I don't know one damn rescue group's name... except the one YOU mentioned.

You know what we DO all know? We know that the people who are really into rescuing horses are a few beans short on the count... and so are all those folks who have breeding programs where the first objective is a particular kind of horse instead of making money (is that nuts or what!)... and so are the idiots who like self flagellation so much they go out and ride 100 miles in 24 hours or less...

Besides. YOU weren't there. YOU have absolutely no idea what kind of treatment Heidi received. YOUR experiences with that group may have been positive but HERS sucked!! If they treated you like dirt, you'd be pissed too.

Walk in the other guy's moccasins before you throw tacks in his path.

Tiffany D'Virgilio wrote:

...it wasn't a big secret that it was the AHRN who SAVED the horse.


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Re: [RC] Slaughter/Breeding, Chris Paus
Re: [RC] Slaughter/Breeding, Tiffany D'Virgilio