I couldn't agree more - I regularly feel fear/apprehension before or during
riding ( after having my share of real or near accidents in de past ) and the
thing that works for me is deep breaths and imagining I am a big limp bag of
potatoes impossible to dislodge !
Let your weight sink into the horse, still hands & legs hanging down,
some weight in the heel... and just sit! I sometimes sing a song as well ( "I am
a big bag of potatoes and I ain't going anywhere") - especially when my
horse goes into bucking bronco mode....or when we are about to encounter
something really scary...
some days you just feel more relaxed and courageous than others - perfectly
Same for the horse - it occasionally happens that my horse is feeling
particularly frisky and me particularly jittery (like when you're having a major
hangover hihi) in which case I just don't ride that day but will do something
else with him
also really helps to have a good saddle and maybe some pants with grippy
seats, slipping one hand under the breastcollar - anything that
reassures you will help on those days...and when you ride it out you feel great!