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[RC] Fear - Ridecamp Guest

Please Reply to: Ginger orrinandginger@xxxxxxxxxxx or ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

I have found through my many years of riding that, especially with women, the 
fears come and go. You can take the same horse that you've been riding for 
years and become fearful, especially if you are a new mother.  It's something 
that is inherit to being a female. Of course, now I'm a Grandmother and it 
still happens to me periodically so I always keep a nice, easy-going, horse to 
build my confidence again.  After a very small amount of time I'm ready to jump 
back on one of the others.  You are not alone. It will pass. For some unknown 
reason you'll go out and jump on that horse and ride like the wind. Push 
through that fear and ride that horse and I mean YOU REALLY RIDE that horse 
don't just be a passenger. Leave the trail and force that horse to think.  Hope 
this helps, a little.

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