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Re: [RC] poop on trails and mountain bikers - Jon . Linderman

I am fortunate to have pretty low density trails to ride in southern OH
(the only redeeming quality of this state) and my encounters with mtn
bikers has always been good.  But I was on the other end of this one living
and training in CA as a professional cyclist.  I never complained about
horse or cow poop on the trails  & was always polite to the equestrians
even when they weren't.  I will never forget the day 2 mounted horsemen
pulled a gun on me on a multi-use trail in the bay area.  I stopped about
50 yards away & politely asked to pass as they blocked the trail talking.
They gave me an answer I wasn't expecting when one pulled a gun out of his
cantle bag and pointed it in my direction.  Then there was the lady up off
the skyline riding her horse in ankle deep mud yelling at me for damaging
the trail.  There was the published report of sierra club members using mtn
bikes to wreck trails so that bikers would get kicked off mult-use trails
in sensitive areas.  Lets not assume all fat tire people are jerks, nor
that because one rides a horse they are somehow better people or more
entitled.    I've met my share of wonderful people around the word riding
on a skinny saddles and fat tires as well as riding in big saddles atop 4
hooves.  Those of you who ride courses I mark for this region might be
suprised to know that I have assistance from two, dare I say it, mtn bikers
to help me mark those trails, while I can reel off a list of horsemen who
wouldn't lift a finger to help, sitting arounding camp complaining about
what the RM does wrong at every ride.  Okay this guy misses the point on
poop, but remember if you want to get respect, give it first.  Had I deemed
all horsemen gun wielding malcontents I never would have found this sport
so much fun in my life after cycling.


                     Tracey Smith                                              
                     <tracey.smith@sbcglob        To:       ridecamp 
                     al.net>                      cc:                          
                     Sent by:                     Subject:  [RC]   poop on 
trails and mountain bikers                                     
                     02/02/2005 12:01 AM                                       

Well if it sticks in their tires...then for goodness sake they could have
just gone AROUND it...kind of like we do if there is fresh cow poop on the
trail...I certainly don't voluntarily ride through it if I don't have too!

But, I think bottom line is to remember what Jonni said that this guy has
written several other such "imflammatory" letters to the editor and sounds
like someone who really just likes to "stir the pot" so to speak.

Of course I'd be glad to fill a pot with something for him to stir..ha ha

Tracey Smith
"Love the horse beneath you." - Cosack saying


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