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[RC] Headaches - heidi larson

I used to get horrible headaches, not quite migraines, but sometimes pretty close, going to sleep would sometimes be my last resort.  I sit at a computor or in my car most days, have a tense neck and stretching helped, but here's what I noticed really seemed to do the trick.  Drinking water!!! At least a gallon per day.  Once I started this, my headaches are down from 3-4 per week to maybe once per month.  I really think I was dehydrated and my head was trying to tell me! 

Bruce Weary DC <bweary@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [RC] Back and Neck Pain
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 11:18:17 -0700
From: Bruce Weary DC <bweary@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Ridecamp Guest <guest-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: 200509210941250.SM01176@ENDURANCEWWW"><200509210941250.SM01176@ENDURANCEWWW>

Hi Lauretta--
 I will try to respond diplomatically. The explanation you have been 
given about the function of your neck and skull exceeds science's 
ability to support it. That  explanantion has been around for years, but 
not credibly verified. There's an old saying in diagnosis that fits here 
particularly well: "When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras." 
Your problems are most likely every-day garden variety dysfunction of 
the cervical spine, causing irritation to the pain-sensitive structures 
of the spine and nervous system, resulting in headaches. Are you sure 
your headaches qualify as migraine?
  I can tell you that the spine is not like a stack of chairs. It is a 
living organ that is self-aware and can adapt to many different problems 
in order to continue functioning. And if it receives appropriate 
treatment, it can change back to normal again and recover. Your doctor 
may indeed be helping you in some way, but not likely by that 
Bruce Weary

Ridecamp Guest wrote:

>Please Reply to: Lauretta tikitiki69@xxxxxxxxxxx or ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>I have just started seeing a chiropractor for pain to my upper 
>back and neck (I have been getting migraine-type headaches). I 
>had xrays, and evidently the main problem is stemming from my 
>neck (the neck bones are in a straight line and not moving, and 
>don't have the curve that a normal neck shows).  The upper spine is also curving a little to the side.  Over the last 
>few months, when I ride long distance I have been getting 
>really bad headaches afterwards.  The chiro is 
>treating this using something called biocranial manipulation.  
>Evidently, the skull is not a completely solid piece of bone, and
>is made up of sev
eral sections that 'breathe', so to speak, and 
>move microscopically.  Mine are locked in place like my neck.  
>The chiropractor is moving my head and neck for about 90 seconds
>on each side, to get these sections unfrozen.  The way he is 
>explaining it, it is like a big stack of chairs.  If they get out
>of balance and start tilting, you cant get them back adjusted 
>into place by moving the ones on the bottom.  This just makes the pile fall over.  However, by readjusting the top ones, the ones below that are out of alignment can be moved back in place and straightened out correctly.  This is the theory with correcting my problems.  It does seem to be working, as the 
>headaches are minimal now, I have movement in my neck that I have
>not had for a LONG time, and it seems to be helping my back now.
>Has anyone else used this treatment, and have you had any long
>term success with it? Or any problems?  I just started this 
>therapy a week a
go, and wonder if it is the solution to my 
>problems, or if it will work for a short time, and  my problems
>will reoccur.  Or are there any chiropractors out there that use
>this technique and can confirm that it is a successful therapy?
>I am pretty sure that the injuries were caused by a crash from 
>falling of my horse; no sign of any bone breakage or 
>deterioration (YET); and I have a sort of whiplash issue that I 
>didn't realize at the time.
> Thanks, Lauretta and Shaba (who just had HIS chiro visit last
>week and feels good now)
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[Fwd: Re: [RC] Back and Neck Pain], Bruce Weary DC