I know you all are probably tired of hearing wildlife stories but I haven't told mine yet.
We had an Ohio Horsemen's Council ride where we were opening up a new trail. There were a bunch of us, maybe 30?
Well, on the trail, just two feet away from the horses feet was a brand new baby deer. Not 20 feet further down trail was another one the same distance away from the trail. Unreal. Of course we oohed and aahed and didn't stop or bother them. They were so cute with their spots and everything. Momma (s) were not in sight but there were a lot of trees and brush around they could have been hiding in.
There is also a black bear around here. I saw it (I turned around right away because it was right on trail and there was a ravine on one side and uphill on the other.) and went the other way. Went back 10 min. later and it was gone. It was seen some months later in the middle of a field so that confirmed my one person sighting. This was in the Cuyahoga Valley in Ohio!!