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Re: [RC] shoeing/trimming philosphies - Alice Yovich

My current farrier is trained in natural balance shoeing, but won't give her a natural balance trim. He says the trim will make her sore, when I'm fairly certain it won't. The "Bergy" method uses a basic measurement of the frog to toe ratio of 2/3 to 1/3 IE: the frog should take up 2/3 of the measurement from bulb to toe with the toe taking up the last 1/3 of that measurement. I don't know if they are similar techniques or not. We've been round and round about it for months. I even got a shoeing last year that was grand at a ride, showed it to my regular farrier three weeks later and he just shook his head and said he couldn't/wouldn't do it. I probably should have changed farriers then, but I've been at a barn with a lot of pressure to use one farrier.

At 07:01 PM 9/18/2004, Paul Latiolais wrote:
Sounds like you are talking about "natural balance" shoeing. My vet suggested I try it, as he had been studying it and my gaited horses might move better with a more straight up trimming and shorter toe. He did warn us that it is a difficult technique. A farrier not well trained or well-skilled could lame the horse.

I now only use a natural balance shoer, but I went through three farriers before I found a reliably good one.


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[RC] shoeing/trimming philosphies, Alice Yovich
Re: [RC] shoeing/trimming philosphies, Paul Latiolais