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Re: [RC] What do I need - Agilbxr

"Helmet and Easy Ride stirrups. Secure water carrying system. First aid 
pack.(skip the splint boots unless your horse interferes, then keep checking 
them to make sur eyou don't get sand, dirt under them--bad rubs). (Tights to 
ride in,undies with no seams in delicate area). Maybe halfchaps--"

Here I was feeling all superior.  I was perfectly comfortable training in 
jeans, never had a rub.  I was begining to wonder what all the fuss was.  Then 
I did my marathon ride three weeks ago, where I got lost in the woods trying to 
get to a ride (5 miles through the forest) where I was supposed to be leading a 
group.  I ended up gaiting/cantering close to 15 miles in just under 2 hours 
(VERY fast for us in the florida heat right now), then riding another 2 hours 
at a walk/slow gait, then riding home at the same speed (didn't get lost this 
time...sigh).  And got off my horse to some nasty seam rubs from my jeans and 
(ahem...) undies.  Needless to say, my trip home from the barn did involve one 
stop at the walgreens for desitin, and I had to dig my old riding pants out of 
the bottom of my drawer.  

Now, I am feeling the need to find myself some good riding pants for endurance. 
Suggestions???  I'm in hot/humid florida, so we are thinking cool...  I'll 
worry about the colder months when January roles around.  *grin*

Juli and Alpine (who felt fine...if a bit on the dehydrated side, cause I don't 
care how much they drink, if you ride them that far in 90 degree florida heat, 
they dehydrate some)

Many of the endurance riders in our top echelons of competition, now and in
the past, exemplify the 'common man' not the hierocracy. It is this
possibility, this chance to come to the fore, that makes endurance
competition of the Aussie/American type so much more desirable to part of
the world.
~  Bob Morris

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