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Re: [RC] Heat and Conditioning - sherman

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <heidi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <sherman@xxxxxxx>
Cc: <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 5:46 PM
Subject: Re: [RC] Heat and Conditioning

Am curious, though--when you say you decided to try it without
elytes--does that mean you always gave them before?  Did you ever try
riding him without them in the beginning, or has he always had that
crutch, so now he is dependent on it?  And how well does he eat?  Does he
really scarf down hay or grass?


We've only just begun! This was our first ride and Storm has not been
e-lyted yet. I thought I should wait & see if he really needed them before
getting him started on them.  He eats very well, stopping to graze on the
trail and eating at any pile he can find at the vet checks.
Thanks for your advice,

I still prefer what it is that BH100, Tevis, The Duck's Soup of Endurance,
etc. has to offer...but, to see a horse canter over sand for those
distances...Good Lord, it humbles me.
~  Frank Solano

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[RC] Heat and Conditioning, sherman
Re: [RC] Heat and Conditioning, heidi