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[RC] FWD: Pan Ams - John Teeter

[note: those of you that post as guest...your moderator is on the road and 
using steph's machine rather than his own. you might want to consider just 
registering (without being subscribed) and posting directly till I get 
back....posting as guest may cause long delays...-jt.]

Jan Mutchler jmutchler@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
I don't know about the rest of you on Ridecamp, but I am chomping at the bit 
for news (more news) of our riders at the Pan Ams.  I know - ride day isn't 
until Saturday, but I am still dying for news.  John Teeter - enjoyed the pics 
- dying for more when you have the chance and you're not dragging Steph away 
from all those vendors. :>)  I am rooting for the great Mountain Zone Team we 
have. Ride smart, ride safe!  To all competitors - enjoy the experience and 
relish in your horse's accomplishments!  Good luck to all!
Jan Mutchler


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