>Karen Nelson knelson@xxxxxxxxxx >The worst place
to do laundry was Casper, wyo. We could only find one >laundramat, and
when we did it was very large, etc, but I was surprised >for a college
town that there was ONLY one.
We didn't have that experience in Casper,
we went to a smaller laundromat, right next door to a nice Mexican
restaurant. There was no waiting. We stayed at the fairgrounds
that weekend and asked the locals for directions to the closest
>Started the ride with 100 foot hose in trailer, 15 foot
hose to take water >out of tanks, and 25 foot hose which is normal part
of camper. We were >buying more hose almost immediately, as filling our
supplies at gas >stations(paying for water-everywhere)
I double
checked with Dave before saying anything -- but he assured me that we
never once had to pay for water anywhere on the entire trip. We took
one little hose with us that I used mostly for draining water out of the
containers to fill up the horses water with. I think it was 15'
long, maybe not quite. That was the only hose we had, started with
it and came home with it. Dave was watering horses on the trail
every day that it was accessible and would often go thru a hundred or two
hundred gallons of water each day. I am really glad that he wasn't
having to pay for it. :+).
>I staged my feed in Elko, Casper, and
North Platte, as I couldn't carry it >all. I was VERY NICELY treated by
all dealers.I had to use a rent/storage >unit in Casper, but dealers in
Elko and N Platte stored pallets for me for >free, which included
supplies I had with me.
I stuck with using Purina products and
pre-ordered everything before I left so it was easy to pick up along the
way. Some of them even delivered. I never had any
trouble getting hay along the way. I know some riders had brought
compressed hay. I figure I went thru a bale of hay and a bag of
Complete Advantage or Equine Senior every two days, for two horses.
Plus a bag or two of beet pulp and oats every week. They did not
like bran.