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Tierras de Al-Andalus


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Overall Winners:

1 .- Marta Hidalgo and Hermes - 19h-01'-20''
2 .- Jesus Ruiz and Durango - 19h-28'-56
3 .- Carlos Otaolaurruchi Barbadillo and Caracol - 21h-05'-42'

Everything in El Rocio points to the start of VI Raid Kaliber-Andalucia
First Stage: El Rocio to Sevilla - Gabriel Gamiz || Marta Hidalgo wins first stage of Kaliber Raid VI-Andalusia with Hermes ||
Ride Through Sevilla during VI Kaliber-Andalucia|| Jesus Ruiz wins second stage and overall lead
Chronicle of the Second Stage of VI Kaliber Andalucia
Marta Higalgo wins Third Stage || Stage 3: Carmona-Ecija - Gabriel Gamiz
Stage 4: Ecija - Cordoba || Chronicle of Fourth Stage - Gabriel Gamiz
Rest Day in Cordoba - Gabriel Gamiz
Marta Hidalgo and Hermes win Stage 5 and regain overall lead
Chronicle of Fifth Stage - Gabriel Gamiz
Chronicle of Sixth Stage - Gabriel Gamiz
Marta Hidalgo and Hermes Win!

RESULTS: Stage 1 || Stage 2 || Stage 3 || Stage 4 || Stage 5 || Stage 6 and Final

Photo Galleries

Stage 1: El Rocio-Sevilla
by Gabriel Gamiz

Stage 1: El Rocio-Sevilla
Various Photographers

Stage 1: El Rocio-Sevilla
by Kristian Feneux

Stage 2: Dos Hermanas-Carmona
by Gabriel Gamiz

Stage 2: Dos Hermanas-Carmona
by Kristian Feneux

Stage 3: Carmona-Ecija
by Gabriel Gamiz

Stage 3: Carmona-Ecija
by Kristian Feneux

Stage 4: Ecija-Cordoba
by Gabriel Gamiz

Stage 4: Ecija-Cordoba
by Kristian Feneux

Stage 5: Villafranca de Cordoba - Cardena
by Kristian Feneux

Stage 5: Villafranca de Cordoba - Cardena
by Gabriel Gamiz

Stage 6: Cardena - Virgen de la Cabeza
by Gabriel Gamiz

Stage 6: Cardena - Virgen de la Cabeza
by Kristian Feneux


VI Kaliber-Andalucia: Preview || Stage 1: El Rocio-Sevilla || Urban Stage: Sevilla
Stage 2: Dos Hermanas-Carmona || Stage 3: Carmona-Ecija || Stage 4: Ecija-Cordoba
Rest Day: Cordoba || Stage 5: Villafrance de Cordoba-Cardena
Final Stage 6: Cardena-Virgen de la Cabeza

2011 Tierras de Al Andalus

Marta Hidalgo and Hermes win!

photo by Kristian Feneux

This is Hermes' third consecutive win in the Raid Kaliber-Andalucia.

Friday April 8, has played the queen stage of the Raid VI-Andalucía Kaliber 2011 between Villanueva de Cordoba and Cardena, a stage marked by warmth and sport interesting dispute between the top two overall. Marta Hidalgo and HERMES have won the stage in the final stretch and have regained the lead in the absence of the final stage tomorrow between Cardenas and the Virgen de la Cabeza.


Chronicle of Sixth Stage - Gabriel Gamiz

El Raid Blog - Gabriel Gamiz

April 9 2011

Came the end of this VI Kaliber-Andalucia, in this day has run the sixth stage of the raid between the cities of Cárdenas and Andujar (Sanctuary of the Virgen de la Cabeza).
Regained, and is the third time, "HERMES" mythical horse and not only in Andalusia but throughout Spain, this time ridden by the rider sanluqueña Marta Hidalgo in a quiet day, as their pursuers have not been able to stand up has managed not only to maintain the difeencia he had in the day yesterday, but the point has been increased and also won this stage, since it has been seconds from winning this stage and also Sanlúcar Colonia Jorge Montaño.
He started the day, as usual, before the clear day, and that that thought had to leave at 9 am, but the transfer from Montoro to Cardena, makes us early.
There was dawn when the birds singing and the noise of the Guadalquivir, gave us good morning in the Hotel Mirador de Montoro, with its beautiful views overlooking the Rio Grande de Andalucia....


Chronicle of Fifth Stage: Villafrance de Cordoba-Cardena

El Raid Blog - Gabriel Gamiz

April 8 2011

From the viewpoint of Montoro and overlooking the foothills of Sierra Morena, a beautiful panorama of the mountains and just down the river Guadalquivir, write this chronicle of the V Stage between Villafranca de Córdoba and Cardenas, the queen stage of this test and in the end has not decided definitively test because differences in time, have not been definitive, but the classification of the stage and generally have the same riders, but with different times.

This morning bright and early, still dark, has begun shipments of horses from the Equestrian Club of Cordoba, where they were housed, to the point of departure of the stage, which was Villafranca de Córdoba.


Fifth Stage: Marta Hidalgo and Hermes win and regain first place overall

photos by Kristian Feneux

Follows the struggle between the two Cadiz. This time the young rider with Hermes snatches back the lead and Jesus Ruiz Durango

Friday April 8, has played the queen stage of the Raid VI-Andalucía Kaliber 2011 between Villanueva de Cordoba and Cardena, a stage marked by warmth and sport interesting dispute between the top two overall. Marta Hidalgo and HERMES have won the stage in the final stretch and have regained the lead in the absence of the final stage tomorrow between Cardenas and the Virgen de la Cabeza.


VI Kaliber-Andalucia: Chronicle of the Rest Day in Cordoba
El Raid Blog - Gabriel Gamiz

7 April 2011

On this day of rest, not only for horses, also for all the riders and the components of the organizing team, because this day is used to solve problems, both logistical and personal. In today's world, it is difficult to depart ten consecutive days of daily duties, workplaces and families.

The horses are resting, the four previous days in Cordoba Turf Club, where you moved to start tomorrow, 5 th day of competition.

In the evening we holdings of the technical meeting in the Royal Stables of Cordoba (1570), a symbol of Horse Breeding stallions, now restored and dedicated to the Spanish horse...


Chronicle of Fourth Stage VI Kaliber-Andalucia: Ecija, Almodovar
El Raid Blog - Gabriel Gamiz

April 6 2011

Another morning but we are in the stables preparing the horse numbers are painted on their haunches, every morning we look at the special chalk numbers were retouched and ready for a new race day.

Since the municipal of budding equestrian club and the presence of the mayor and delegate of sports, giving the output, are headed the 35 pairs participating in this 4 th stage of Kaliber VI-Andalucia, to the point of departure.


Fourth Stage VI Kaliber-Andalucia: Ecija - Cordoba

photos by Kristian Feneux

Jesus Ruiz and regain the lead horse Durango test by winning the fourth stage

Snatcesh back the lead from young rider Marta Hidalgo and Hermes

Wednesday 6 April, has played the fourth stage of VI Raid Kaliber 2011 between Ecija and Andalucía Almodóvar del Rio Durango where Jesus Ruiz and attacked from the first kilometer winning the stage and regaining first place in the provisional standings.


Marta Hidalgo and Hermes win Third Stage

photos by Kristian Feneux

Marta Hidalgo and Hermes win third stage and regains the lead

In a hotly contested day between Carmona and Ecija, the third stage of today has decided to 5 km from the finish

Tuesday April 5 has played the third stage of VI Raid Andalucia Kaliber 2011 between Carmona and Ecija with the victory of Marta Hidalgo and Hermes. Cadiz The young rider and the horse won the previous edition, regain first place in the provisional standings.


Chronicle of Second Stage of VI Kaliber Andalucia
El Raid Blog - Gabriel Gamiz

Monday April 4 2011

From the racetrack Dos Hermanas (Sevilla), where they stayed last night all the horses in the test, we have come up neutralized to the University Pablo de Olavide, where it has turned out to 9'55 pm the 35 participants of this Second Stage VI Kaliber-Andalucia.

Tomorrow's completely different from yesterday, no rain and prone to "the heat" do an appearance, as well happened during the course of the stage.

On a tour of the countryside 36 km from Seville we enter the end of Alcala de Guadaira, first aid, and Mairena del Alcor, where his Castle Luna (sigloXIV) that it is under restoration, is located in the Vet- Gate of the stage.


Jesus Ruiz wins second stage and overall lead

Photo by Kristian Fenaux

Jesus Ruiz wins the stage and overall lead

The rider and his horse Cadiz Durango move up one position and placed on his head

The second and third on the stage today were for the well Cadiz, Sanlucar, Jesus Montano with splendid and the French Veronique Loukoum Gaillard

The Cadiz Jesus Ruiz, riding Durango, has now won the third stage of VI Raid Kaliber Andalusia between Dos Hermanas and Carmona and his victory won first place in the provisional standings.


Ride through Sevilla during VI Kaliber-Andalucia

El Comite Organizador del VI Kaliber en la persona de su equipo de periodista, me remite la cronica de la Marcha Hipica del Kaliber por la Ciudad de Sevilla.

Un total de 150 participantes, entre los que se encontraban los 36 jinetes del VI Raid Kaliber-Andalucia, han recorrido hoy domingo las calles de la capital andaluza

La ciudad de Sevilla ha dado asi la bienvenida a los corredores del VI Raid Kaliber-Andalucia que se celebra del 2 al 9 de abril y recorre 500 kms en seis etapas por tierras andaluzas

Hoy, domingo 3 de abril, la ciudad de Sevilla ha dado la bienvenida a los participantes del VI Raid Kaliber-Andalucia. Esta jornada festiva, con salida y llegada en el Parque del Alamillo, ha consistido en una etapa de exhibicion en la que, ademas de participar los jinetes del Raid, se han sumado escuelas hipicas, coches de caballos y amantes del caballo venidos de toda Espana. Un total de 150 jinetes han paseado por las calles de Sevilla en una ruta por los lugares emblematicos de la capital andaluza tales como la Maestranza, la Torre del Oro o la Catedral...


Marta Hidalgo wins first stage of Kaliber Raid VI-Andalusia with Hermes
Hermes won this event last year also assembled by the Cadiz Eduardo Sanchez

The young rider Marta Hidalgo Cadiz has been made on Saturday April 2 with the first stage of the sixth edition of the Raid Kaliber-Andalusia. A total of 52 kms. between El Rocío and Seville with two phases of 24 and 28 kms have given the victory on the back of Hermes, horse who won this event last year, also ridden by Eduardo Sanchez Cadiz.

Were 36 participants who took the start at nine o'clock in front of the shrine of El Rocio. Taking advantage of the cool morning the riders put an upbeat rhythm with a lead group of five horses coming almost together Villamanrique de la Condesa, where there was a veterinary and a little rest. In the second phase, the lead group and increased its lead in the final control of Seville, Hermes won the stage with his rider, Marta Hidalgo, who leads the overall standings. The second place went to Jesus Ruiz Durango and the third for the Swiss Wach with Marquis Edouard-de-Karesi.

Race held Sunday morning a city tour of 14 kms around the city of Seville with output (11 hours) and arrive to park Alamillo...


First Stage VI Kaliber-Andalucia: El Rocio to Sevilla

Saturday April 2 2011

This morning we started from the Ermita de la Virgen del Rocio in Aldea del Rocio (Almonte, Huelva) at 9 pm, Kaliber-Andalucia VI, began the event more attractive to European Equestrian Resistance.

The mood turned from all participants and accompanying persons to the imminent start of the test, all wanting to catch the sand through the Ajoli bridge pillar taken to the palace and drink for the first time and guiding the path of Raya this year has enough water, but the host with the same affection that host pilgrims.

The target has been given this early morning and had to acknowledge the participants of the Raid on the promotion, which accompanies the Kaliber. The partnership of all participants on a premise in this competition, acquaintances greet one in the previous day were not, as in the technical meeting and dinner later, he was so busy that we were losing from such competition...


Everything in El Rocio points to the start of VI Raid Kaliber-Andalucia
El Rocio, 1 April.

The equestrian endurance test world's most demanding Saturday morning begins with the stage of El Rocío-Sevilla 52.2 km

The 37 participating riders already on the Dew ready for the start of Kaliber Raid VI-Andalusia, known as the Dakar horses

Today final preparations for the start of Kaliber Raid VI-Andalucía which will kick off tomorrow, Saturday April 2 to stage El Rocío-Sevilla. Be over 50 km of travel in which the riders will test the speed, endurance and dosing the horse horse to finish the race in good condition. Saturday morning's stage will start from the Ermita del Rocio and end at the Club Zahurín Tomares. Veterinary supervision and technical stop halfway to take place in Villamanrique.

And is that a year hosts the Raid Kaliber Andalusia-Andalusia this year welcomes the sixth edition 2011. This year divided into 6 stages and 500 kilometers, this test driven in 2006 by the Andalusian singer José Manuel Soto - passionate sportsman and horse world - has become a sports-tourism event of the first magnitude. Kaliber-Andalucía Raid resistance test is more demanding horses and horse racing longest and toughest in the world...


VI Kaliber-Andalucia: The Day Before
El Raid Blog - Gabriel Gamiz

This morning we saw rocieras dawn in the marshes, the area was beautiful and the sun was aimed at its output that the day would be hot, surrounded by horses that is their pens, made with electric fence, waiting placidly dawn.

Are the horses, the vast majority are French riders already yesterday in this part of Maria Santisima.

At breakfast we met a team that replenished French forces to start the day. Everybody left after breakfast, to walk the sands rocieras to enjoy a beautiful landscape, with the dew of the night, had a good look.

We started in the halls of the delivery of dorsal Camping, as well as all documentations of proof and some gifts to the participants, in which stood out, bottles of wine from Extremadura. The first to go were foreign riders, which was infused throughout the day were closer to the dependencies of the Organization.

Veterinary examinations before the test began at 11 am and so we were all day, receiving many national and international pairs, to complete the figure of 36 pairs spread across these nationalities: 19 Spanish, 15 French, 1 Swiss; 1 Italian.
At 9 am the technical meeting was held where José Manuel Soto welcomed all participants wishing everyone a good run, enjoy the test and to complete the race without incident, said the important thing was that enjoy this Spring and Andalusian horses.
Spread the word to the Technical Director Rafael Garrido test which makes a reminder of all the technical conditions of the test, while Crystian Fenaux perform the translation for the many French pairs participants and how frequent are the race.
D. The Jury President Juan Landa, welcomes all participants to the meeting and gave the floor to the President of the Veterinary Commission D. Francisco Castejon, which reminds all participants that it is a race of many days and that we must care for the horse and run with his head.
After the meeting the Organizing Committee gift to all attendees to a wonderful dinner at the campsite.
Tomorrow at 9 pm and at the foot of the White Dove, Kaliber VI begins to Andalucia, which accompany the participants in a Raid on the promotion, initiation and another relay race.

Greetings - Gabriel en route.

El Rocio Waits for VI Kaliber-Andalucia
El Raid Blog - Gabriel Gamiz

Thursday March 31 2011

We are at the foot of the White Dove participants waiting for Kaliber VI-Andalucia.

Tomorrow begins the reception of the pairs who come to this land marshy excited to start the pilgrimage from the Shrine of Our Lady of Rocio in Almonte (Huelva) to the Hill where is located the Sanctuary of the Virgin de la Cabeza in Andujar (Jaen ), wandering in the provinces of Huelva, Seville, Cordoba and ending in Jaen.

When we arrived at Camping "The Village" which is mounted the Headquarters of the Organization of the VI Kaliber, we found that many participants were already enjoying the sand rocieras, walking their horses, among them Gunderson, Fernando Uriarte, some French and one Belgian, this Saturday to step back, but now in competition plan, when the departure of this great trial of strength Equestrian, the longest in Europe. From the village of Rocio

Greetings - Gabriel en route.

[google translation]

Presentation of the VI Kaliber-Andalucia
El Raid Blog - Gabriel Gamiz

Tuesday March 29, 2011

This morning at 13 hours was made in Seville in Cruzcampo Foundation, the sixth edition of Kaliber-Andalucia.

The table was chaired by Mr. D. Julio Cuesta President of the Foundation Cruzcampo, D. Luciano Alonso Minister of Tourism, Trade and Sports of the Junta de Andalucia and D. José Manuel Soto Alarcon President of the Organizing Committee.

The event began with a presentation by the President of the Foundation Cruzcampo D. Julio Cuesta, giving the floor to José Manuel Soto, presented to all attendees this VI Kaliber-Andalucia, saying it is an opportunity to present a Andalucia the world, its culture, gastronomy, monuments and all the magnificent scenery that this test shows the whole world.

After recounting the glories of this trial as it passes through different regions and villages of Andalucia, Sevilla recalled the march of the race, which will join riders and carriages out of the race, which will accompany the participants on his visit to the City.

Upon completion of the dissertation of the race, a video project with the best pictures of last year, which to a tour through all the stages and better views of the competition.

The video ended thanked Mr Luciano Alonso Jose Manuel Soto Cruzcampo as an organizer and sponsor.

He referred to the Community Andalucia is more protected areas have with their parks of Doñana, Andujar, Cabo de Gata and Sierra Nevada.

Commented that the Junta de Andalucia supports sporting events in a number of 318, are sponsored this year for the attention of our territories.

These events are followed by the media for information of those who remain outside these tests.

His performance ended with congratulations and test out well.

At the end of the ceremony, the Cruz del Campo, a gift to all attendees with a magnifying glass to inaugurate the most fascinating and longest race of the World.

The magnificent ham Maximilian , shone in all its splendor.

José Manuel told us that to date there are about 40 pairs enrolled distributed among different nationalities are Swiss, French, Moroccan, Italian and Spanish, waiting to close the call on day 1 which is the day you start the test at Paloma Blanca plants and nine days after its finalization at the foot of the brunette, the Virgen de la Cabeza in Cazorla.

This is the beginning or starting gun for a big test and we will continue commenting on the daily route of all events occurring in the race, as well as classifications in stages, with the help of photos that show us and the wonderful landscapes of the riders and participants, so I will try that you can not attend this event, you can continue as if the race was.

[google translation]

Presentation of the VI Kaliber-Andalucia
El Raid Blog

March 23 2011

Next Tuesday 29 March at 13 hours , will take place at the Foundation Cruzcampo the presentation of the sixth edition of the Raid Kaliber-Andalusia .

The event will be attended by Minister of Tourism, Trade and Sport of the Junta de Andalucía, Mr. Luciano Alonso, the president of the Foundation Cruzcampo, Julio Cuesta and the president of Raid Kaliber-Andalucía, José Manuel Soto.

The presentation ceremony will be announced the latest edition, as well as provide details of the stage show to be held on Sunday 3rd April in the city of Seville and will feature the participation of riders Raid and amateur horse.

Parade Seville, Andalucia Kaliber VI
El Raid Blog

Thursday March 10 2011
[google translation]

From the Organizing Committee Kaliber-Andalucia VI regulations refer us to participate in the Parade Riding in Seville on the 3rd of April, the sixth day Kaliber-Sevilla Andalucia passes on its way from Andalucia.

"Dear Friends;

We get in touch with you to inform you that the next day April 3 and on the occasion of the arrival in Seville, Andalucia Kaliber Raid VI, will be a parade through the streets of Seville (with character display) starting from the Park Alamillo and landmarks through the historic center of Seville.

We believe it is an event that any horse enthusiast should not miss, having the opportunity to stroll through parts of Seville that he never believed he could do on horseback. It is therefore our intention that in addition to the riders of Kaliber Raid-Andalusia, may be present the many riding schools in our community, associations, clubs and fans in general. We have also extended invitations to local police, Guardia Civil, Real Club de Andalucía Hooks and Banda del Sol.

Riders must be properly dressed according to the discipline of English Dressage, Doma Vaquera short suit, etc.

At the end of the parade will enjoy a wonderful appetizer during which an exchange of views, experiences, etc.. the horse world, our great hobby.

Andalusian horsemen and fans should be proud of this test, which happens to be the longest and the hardest of all those held in the world and is attracting considerable international interest. That's why this parade we can show the world the great love of the horse that exists in this land since time immemorial.

Below you will find a registration form (not mandatory but recommended) you must complete to participate, which you must send to the following address: rortiz@sotoancho.com or by fax No.: 954-491601 "

Urban tour of Seville, Andalucia Kaliber VI
1 March 2011

Since the organization of Kaliber-Andalucía Raid invite all fans to the sport of horse racing in any discipline, to join us in the city tour we will do in Seville next April 3 (Sunday), as an display, with which we intend to give this test and all the more striking equestrian world and category. The tour will depart from the Parque del Alamillo, at 11 am and will run approximately 3 hours. It is our intention that, in addition to the riders of Kaliber Raid-Andalusia, may be present the many riding schools in our community, associations and clubs and fans in general, whenever they are ready to show at all times the necessary discipline and good behavior for the better development of the march. We have also extended invitations to the Local Police, Guardia Civil, couplers and club music Banda del Sol to join us riding on our tour of Seville.

At the end of the course will be offered a drink and a bowl of stew to participants in the Cortijo del Parque del Alamillo.

Andalusian horsemen and fans should be proud of this test, which happens to be the longest and the hardest of all those held in the world and is attracting considerable international interest. That's why we thought it would be nice to organize a large caravan riding in Seville that might serve to show the world the great love of the horse that exists in this land since time immemorial. It will also be a nice way to share a good time with people from all over the world with which unites our great love of horses and nature.

It will not be necessary to formalize any registration, but the horses participating must be properly federated and insured, and must keep abreast of relevant vaccinations.

Raid organization shall not be liable for any claims for damages or any other eventuality.

Letter from Jose Manuel Soto on the Kaliber Andalucia 2011
El Raid Blog - Gabriel Gamiz

Jose Manuel Soto sent us a letter of introduction of new regulations Andalucia LV-Kaliber 2011, for all fans of this test are more informed and willing to participate in this great trial.

Dear Friends,

The 2011 edition will be the sixth and comes with some news. Be held (Dm) between 2 and 9 April, and although there are many fringes to close about the route, linking the towns of Granada and El Rocio (Huelva).

Due to the economic problems we are supporting we have to propose this year to try something shorter. There will be only six stages, plus a rest and a short prologue.

Another novelty will be the elimination of the category of equipment, will now only be able to compete in the category of pairs (a rider, a horse). This we believe will make the test more exciting and competitive, and possibly more understandable to the public.

It will also be something less expensive, 750 euros for pairing, which includes, as you know, boxes, hay, straw, and daily meals for riders and assists, as well as several dinners.

Also the amount of the awards will suffer, will distribute "only" 6,000 euros between the three front runners.

After this new approach we submit these questions to your opinion and expect your suggestions.

I think we will achieve greater media coverage, which will be good for you to negotiate better contracts with your sponsors.

We are making arrangements with several national TV channels and international media give more coverage to lacarrera. Already in the last two test images have been broadcast in over sixty countries through Eurosport.

In the five issues that we have received high praise from the international press, but there are many things to improve, and although they say it is "the best raid of the world" we are determined to get more participation and more monitoring of the media with the sole aim of bringing the beautiful game to the public.

The stunning Andalusian countryside, despite the tremendous crisis we are experiencing, we continue to see happen on the backs of our horses, and we want those precious images to go to all households in the world, and become the best promotion possible for our land continues to receive visitors at any time of year.

From here, we encourage all of you to come to compete and enjoy this unique race, and you live the exhilarating experience of riding through the magnificent scenery which gives us the Andalusian spring, along with riders from around the world, which is always a nice way to meet people and share this beautiful hobby horses that both unites us.

A big hug to all

Jose Manuel Soto.

2011 Al Andalus
El Raid blog - Gabriel Gamiz

24 November 2010

(google translation)

This morning in the Sicab, has presented the VI Kaliber-Andalucia, in premises of the Palace of Congresses in the Sicab.

The table was chaired by Jose Manuel Soto accompanied by a representation of the Junta de Andalucia and Kaliber Spain, Jose Manuel has outlined the details of this next Kaliber, which goes from the village of El Rocio, where there will be a prologue to continue to Seville and road and continue up to Antequera, where there will be a day of rest, then follow the Monumental round and finish in the emblematic city of Granada. This year there will only be said that the participation of pairs (a horse and rider), with six stages and a rest day.

After the presentation of Kaliber, offered us some beers, where all the previous record attendance Kaliber and issues related to the horse world.


The equestrian endurance test more demanding in the world will start next April 2 at the Dew (El Rocio) and end on April 9th at Granada

The 2011 Raid will travel 500 km in six stages through Andalusia protected enclaves, of surpassing beauty, where we can show the complicity between horse and rider

Sevilla, 24 November. A year hosts the Raid Kaliber Andalusia-Andalusia that this coming year 2011 celebrates the sixth edition. This test driven in 2006 by the Andalusian singer Jose Manuel Soto - passionate sportsman and horse world - has become a sports-tourism event of the first magnitude. Kaliber-Andalucia Raid resistance test is more demanding horses and horse racing longest and toughest in the world. This year divided into 6 stages and 500 kilometers tests speed, endurance and skill of both horse and rider.

Kaliber-Andalucia Raid congregate each year to national and international riders not only participate in a unique sporting event, but, in turn, discover the beauty of Andalusia and its people. It's more than a competition, as it not only offers a sporting challenge against the clock if it is discovered, trot, nature and culture of Andalusia. And in the Raid is not there first, but to go by dosing the horse and keeping it at an appropriate pace for each stage.

The racetrack is developed through many different routes, where horse and rider show their complicity face different types of soil with natural obstacles that complicate the path. The Raid runs through Andalusia protected enclaves of surpassing beauty. Each stage of the Raid-Andalucia Kaliber usually consists of 40 km, existing veterinary controls to check the pulse of the horse at the end of each. In this control the clock is ticking until the horse is not below 65 beats. At night, horses and riders, hard day's rest to recover to face with the dawn a new era.

Like every year the tour Raid-Andalucia Kaliber change your route and the sixth edition will start on April 2 and ends at the Dew 7 days in Granada. The Raid will this year with a prologue about 25 miles, starting and finishing at the Dew. As news, the Raid VI consist of 6 stages, each of 60 km - divided into two phases which is 30km from a veterinary and a break of 45 minutes. Furthermore, this edition will be most competitive and exciting, if possible, as it disappears more equipment and will result only in the category of biomes (a rider, a horse). The Raid VI-Andalucia Kaliber will kick pictorial touring places like the National Park of Donana Natural Park Sierra de Grazalema, Zahara de la Sierra, etc. A magical race between Dew and Granada from Seville, Villamartin, Ronda, Antequera and Alhama de Granada.

2 to 9 April all equestrians have an appointment in Andalusia-Andalusia Kaliber Raid VI. This competition attracts both participants and spectators and allowing them to discover wild landscapes in all its glory, as spring begins to bloom Andalusian fields. The world's most beautiful race, noted for its hardness, its magic and beauty. The fact go and enjoy the scenery makes it worthwhile participation.

Jose Manuel Soto

Jose Manuel Soto (March 12, 1961, Seville) is a singer known for his melodic songs. The fourth of nine children, was born into an affluent middle class family with close links to rural environment. His first hit song, and possibly gave him more fame was "For Ella," the author's own composition. In 1989 with the song "Like a Light" got second in the OTI festival. In the first half of the 90 returned to get a new hit with the song "Let yourself be loved." With 16 albums in the street and more than 1,000 concerts, combines a singer with his other passion is horses.

He is currently the president and creator of Raid Kaliber-Andalusia. This great event comes from Jose Manuel Soto passion for horses and the land where he was born and raised, Ontario. With this unique event in the world wants Andalusia is a world leader in the equestrian discipline of resistance. Teach everyone the rich landscape, environmental and cultural to account Andalusia. In the same way you create a unique sporting event and world reference Spanish label.

More photos and information: