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RE: [RC] OT Blood Clots in Rider leg - adam and jannelle

Roger and others...I am 43 and about 4-5 years ago had an accident where a
horse fell on my leg, tearing the ACL and MCL and doing some other damage.
In about 3 days, I had pain in my leg.  At 6 days I had a dr's appt and
found out I had blood clots.  Took 13 days to get therapeutic on Heperin
(because I was so healthy, they said).  Because it was an accident, not just
a random thing, the dr let me use Waferin for just 3 months.  I did not ride
during that time.  I have two little kids and didn't want to risk anything
in my health.  

BTW, the clot does not actual absorb but the vessels build a structure
around it and it becomes part of the vein.  So once you are therapeutic, you
don't need to worry about it coming lose.  The blood thinners are so that if
your body keeps up the bad behavior, it won't form another clot.  

Jannelle WIlde

-----Original Message-----
From: ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Roger Rittenhouse
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 1:30 PM
To: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [RC] OT Blood Clots in Rider leg

Hi  Not to take away from the import issues of 60-in-30 and the budget..

I am taking a 'old timer' liberty of asking about a health issues RE
applies to older senior rider :)

Just when things were looking good, getting in some really fun riding with
foxtrotter... I got a new issues to deal with./

Spent he last 2 days going though the super medical process.. the best in
world  private health care...
Thursday after I went to the Doc with a swollen hot and throbbing left
Problem started about 5 days ago.
Had some blood work then an appointment for ultrasound was made for Fri -
today -
in the morning.

The ultrasound was for DVT.. aka blood clots in the leg veins. I knew
things were
not going well when the young  tech stopped talking to me and was spending
of time behind the knee. Senior tech arrives  mumbles a bit and leaves. I
told to wait for the Radiologist to review the  study-that is   NOT good.
I ended
up being sent back to my primary care Doc, within a few hours I had more
pulled and getting  a script for 6 shots - I give myself -- sort of like
To stop blood clotting. SQ in the stomach and yes it is painful a bit

Monday I go back and will get blood tests results and then get started on
poison' Warifin.

Now to riders that have this issue. Can you still ride? How long from the
of the blood thinner before you could ride. Worried about a chunk breaking
and taking you out?  Like way out on trail someplace  - there is no way  I
make it back for sure.

The legs is still a bit  inflamed and from what the Doc told me it make
take 6 to
12 for the body to absorb this clot. All they can do is give me drugs to
stop the
clot from growing and 'hope' I dont get one in the other leg.

The Dr says to not bend the knee, no lifting stooping, hauling hay,  all
normal stuff one does around the horse place. He told I could ride 'later'
was concerned about banging the knee/leg on the saddle and breaking off a
 Well at a walk and a foxtrot, there is not much of that..

We all cannot figure out why I got this. Active, in great shape, 'natural'
balanced diet, take a suite of supplements, Dont sit all that much at the
computer and TV.. I am up and about doing stuff.

One thought is 'para-sympathetic' auto generated clot due to the back lash
cancer..Go figure that one. That's great :) Going on 5 years clean -- now?
So next I go to an oncologist for who knows what..

Apologize for the post - sort of- but needed to 'verbalize' this "to ask
endurance family"

The bottom line  is from those who had/have this condition -- when can I
ride again

If you want to respond via PM  roger @   vmaxept . com

Now back to on topic stuff

Roger R

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[RC] OT Blood Clots in Rider leg, Roger Rittenhouse