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Re: [RC] How did the UAE get in on it (was Mongol Derby...) - Steph Teeter

This is the way I understand it also.


p.s. he's Vice President :)

Barbara McCrary said:

How did the UAE get in on this, and what right
 do they have to "not support" the Mongol Derby?
 I didn't realize they had any connection at all
 to the Derby. Would someone enlighten me?

I will be speculating, but here goes....

The UAE "got in on this" because the Long Riders Guild (LRG) sent scathing letters about the event and its organizers to the President of the FEI asking her to do something about it. Because the event is not an FEI sanctioned event (and there is no way that it could be) and Mongolia is not a current member of the FEI, the FEI cannot officially do anything about it. And representatives of the FEI (according the the LRG) informed them of this, but the LRG was not satisfied and decided to throw around public accusations that subsequent attempts at communication remained unreturned (and, if you ask me, with good reason...it reminds me of a line from Monty Python's Life of Brian "There's no pleasing some people").

So I am guessing that the President of the FEI got in touch with her husband who is higly placed in the UAE government (I think president, but I don't keep all that straight, my bad) and asked him if HE would "do something about it."

And what he decided to do about it was to provide and underwrite veterinary support for the horses before during and after the event (thinking that this would address the stated concerns of the LRG????).

So, my understanding is that the UAE government working through the Mongolian government IS providing support for the horses in the event, but that the FEI is not, because, well....it is not an FEI event, never has been, and Mongolia is not a current member of the FEI. And the FEI's only role in the whole thing was to facilitate the conversations between the actual parties who are "supporting" it.



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[RC] How did the UAE get in on it (was Mongol Derby...), k s swigart