I seem lately to be getting a rib out which is really a
nuisance and hurts when riding. Falling started it all. I had it
adjusted ? had to go 2 or 3 times because like a dummy I waited hoping it
would get better and then it was really stuck. Then another year went by
and it happened again. Then I had it adjusted and the rib was fine
but my muscles took a while to stop spasm-in. Anyone else had this
happen and know of an exercise to do to stop it from happening. I end up
at the chiropractor frequently because my SI joint goes out all the
time. He is beginning to be a good friend. He even wants me to
bring my horse?s pelvis/hip x-rays in for him to see.
- mary
I've had a rib "out"
frequently and, to me, it feels like a shoulder blade hurts. Whenever
that happens, I know it's a rib and I go to the chiropractor. I don't
know any better way to solve the problem. My chiropractor has never
suggested that there might be an exercise to prevent this from
happening. Fortunately it's not often, but it does hurt when it