So Angie wants to know why horses that don't
breathe thru their mouths cough? It has nothing to do with breathing but
everything to do with discharging air from the lungs.
The defination of a cough is... to expell air
from the lungs in a noisy or spasmodic manner. I had horses cough that
had pneumonia which is an inflammation of the lung tissue.
I know horses choke and that defination
stop the breathing of by obstructing or constricting the windpipe. Those
horses usually ate too much too quick.
It sounds to me that a cough and a choke are
first cousins, as a cough comes from the lungs and a choke is a constriction
of the windpipe, which is one step from the lungs if i'm not mistaken.
But i don't know.
I guess i don't find it odd that horses
cough. But i'm not a Vet so what do i know?