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RE: [RC] Coronet separation/more details - Sluys Guys

Hi Karen, thanks for your investigative work. I've been reading up on that since last night and even though there are some similarities I don't think that is what it is. He has never has mouth ulcers of any kind and the coronet band it not all bubbly like that. I do think that his immune system is over reacting to trauma though. He does occasionally get hives unexpectedly once or twice every year or two and the scratches he gets from fast rides both lead me to this conclusion. These things usually resolve themselves quickly after the trauma is over. Oh, he's an Arab. The rash he has not on his neck is pretty minor, just a little pimply but not oozie or anything and the hair is already growing back since I've clipped it,  I think it just needed some air. He has a very think winter coat and we've had some rain lately so I figured that he got some kind of skin fungus.
As far as supplements I have him on a general vitamin (Accel) and additional organic selenium yeast and a hand full of flax. If anyone has any suggestions in this area I'm all ears.
Nancy Sluys

At 10:26 PM 3/16/2008, Karen Standefer wrote:
Check him for pemphigus.    Also, look inside his mouth and see if there are any ?ulcers?.   It usually starts there and/or on the coronary band.  Is he by any chance Appy?  The more you talk about this horse, the more symptoms he has that could be phemiphigus.

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RE: [RC] Coronet separation/more details, Sluys Guys