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Re: [RC] Clipping - rides2far@xxxxxxxx

On Jan 3, 2008, at 5:05 AM, Jay Randle wrote:
Hi Leonard
I thought the exact same thing when I saw the photos! 

I don't know about the ride you all are discussing, but as long as Jay mentions 
the clipping thing...I was amazed at all the horses that seemed to live in 
blankets in Australia. One of the websites I viewed just showed pasture 
situations, humans were lightly dressed, all horses heavily blanketed. An 
endurance friend of mine moved to Australia and commented on the fact that it 
seemed every horse in Australia lived in a blanket first thing. Where did that 
trend come from?  I would think that a horse that is body clipped year around, 
even though blanketed has a cold belly & flanks...the very area where the most 
cooling occurs. Would they not migrate those capillaries that are for cooling 
inward? I thought horses developed a better cooling network of capillaries in 
the heat...does that not reverse when you expose the body to cold continually?

Angie & 7...who has a winter blanket on over a winter coat today because it's 
COLD and he was shivering in his full winter fur. :-)
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