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[RC] Don't forget touching noses - sherman

We can all help this situation by politely (if possible, I know
sometimes it?s urgent) tell the person what they should do?you need to
keep your horse away from horses being checked, it causes HR to spike!
Or in my water trough case, I should have spoken up quickly when I saw
them trotting up. When horses rear end?s are pointed at you, tell the
handler to please keep the rear end pointed away from others. Or on the
trail?tell the offending rider to keep the horse back a length or two,
out of KICKING range, and so on and so forth, before your horse kicks,
is bothered, or gets his hind shoe stepped on & pulled. MAYBE (big
maybe), it just might save a horse or rider from being kicked,or save a
horse from a metabolic pull,  and MAYBE someone might even learn from a
polite request.  Am I being too optimistic?


I couldn't agree more. I was at a ride this fall and while I was
standing IN the pulse area with a p/r person taking her pulse the lady
walks right up with her horse in my mare's face and asks the p/r person
if she can get a courtesy check?WHILE he is taking my mare's pulse. My
mare behaved and did not do anything but it did cause her heart rate to
go up and she did not meet criteria. I was so mad. The lady then walked
off a ways and the guy went to check her horse so I asked the other p/r
person for a recheck and now as soon as the horse was out of her face
she was below criteria again. Then while we were waiting in line for the
vet this same lady was standing in line behind me and she let her horse
sniff and touch my mare's flank not once but twice and was totally
clueless about it. I could tell that my mare's patience had reached its
limit so I turned her to where she only had her head in the line and I
was between her and my gelding, who was in line in front of us,?and the
other horse. I was very mad and this lady never paid any attention to
her horse.

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