[RC] Mustangs looking for a home in Arkansas area - CTH
Anyone in the area have a home for to trained BLM
mustangs. This was posted to the Morgan list I now belong to.
There are two BLM mustang geldings in Boone County needed good
homes. >> >These horses were trained by the prisoners at Canyon City
and were >> >adopted two years ago. The two girls that owns these
horses are no >> >longer "horse" minded and Dad is tired of having
to take care of them. >> >I would say that currently they need
refresher training and would >not be >> >for inexperienced
riders. I think for the right person, the price >would >>
>real reasonable (free). >> > >> >If anyone is
interested that may contact J. Clifford Methvin at >>
>870-715-7900. >> > >>