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Re: [RC] [RC] Which fetlock boots? - Dawn Carrie

This may well end up beng the case.  My gelding Bear used to interfere in the back (without Easy boots) for the first year or so, and I used fetlock boots on him.  Then one ride I forgot to put them on, and noticed afterward that he hadn't dinged himself.  I haven't used them since, and he's no longer interferring, now that he's fit and carrying himself better.  I *do* use fetlock boots in the back and/or splint boots in the front (depending on which feet have E-boots) whenever I put Easy Boots on him, however, to prevent him dinging himself with the boots...just in case.  He doesn't wear E-boots often, since we don't do many rocky rides, so doesn't really have much chance to get used to them.
Dawn Carrie

Hopefully he'll eventually carry himself better as he
gets more fit/experienced, and the cuts will be a
thing of the past.


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[RC] Which fetlock boots?, Kristi Schaaf