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Re: [RC] Horse Welfare and AERC - Truman Prevatt

Laura Hayes wrote:
Truman wrote:>>I had hoped the HWC would be much more proactive - but it hasn't happened. Like most of the BOD and committees - they are good people but they can't bring themselves tog row some fangs and get the job done and end up paying lip service. It takes set of balls to address the issue of abusive riders. What does the HWC do - try to push through a bone headed rule changing one hour to 30 minutes at the end. Will this catch a single abuser - hell no. Will it impact rides - hell yes. It is a total cop out. For my money the HWC has not worked. Maybe time to try something else. I had great hopes for it - but the baby turned ugly. I don't know why - nor do I care - it is time to rethink the whole issue.<<
OK Truman, you have called me out. A few days ago I put my phone number and email address on a post and offered to listen to people's opinions of the proposed rule change. Several considerate and caring people who wish to communicate in a civil manner, have contacted me. I have to spend some time tomorrow answering some of the questions I have not gotten to. Thank you to those people, you have been heard and your voice counts. SO I come here to RC to see what I can learn, and I find I need to grow a set of balls, or fangs (depending on the paragraph)to live up to the standards you have set for me.
No Laura I am not calling you out and if you check your Email you will find that I did in fact send you on 1/8/2007 at 7:14 PM such an Email spelling out my concerns with this change. If you can't find it I will be more than happy to resend. Do I need to get a receipt or do you think you can find it this time? This email points out one problem we have in this organization. I have no issue with you, but I do have an issue with how the HWC has evolved. You are not the HWC - the HWC is a committee of the AERC that you just happen to be the current chair. If criticism of the HWC is a direct affront to you - that is your problem. As the old saying goes - it's not personal it's just business.

If no issues can ever be discussed without fear of ruffing someone's feathers - how you want the AERC to make progress? Bottom line I shoot from the hip. I calls them as I see them. There are not pretenses. I was born this way - I will die this way. No excuses - no apologies. I am more than happy to listen to logical arguments that have valid justification - and yes I would like to see numbers. I have not seen any such discussion. You are going to save horses with this rule - how and how many?

Now if you would like to discuss the issues and enlightening us on the details of the justification for the rule change - I am sure there are a lot of people that would like to hear it.



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[RC] Horse Welfare and AERC, Laura Hayes