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[RC] Biltmore Coverage - rides2far

Hey Guys,
I'm off to Biltmore in the next 30 min. or so. I'll try to get *some*
messages posted if they have internet in camp (I was told they might).
but I will be in the competition and they're calling for rain, so you can
imagine what it will be like... so cut me some slack. :-P  I'm going to
take photos of all the horses I can get to (may be affected by rain
though).  Wish us luck. I'm having to wear a pair of Evelyn's tights that
are so worn that what I thought was a sun spot on the knee in my last
photo was just flish color showing through! :-P  They're just the only
ones I trust not to cause problems and I"m hoping they'll last *one more
ride*. :-(

Josie, doing her first 100 on Jody Buttram's mare Rose is terrified of
*Jody* not the trail. Jody has drilled it into her head that Rose is
*not* her loaner horse, she's her *everything to me* horse that she's
trusting to her and it has really taken the focus off of worrying about
the 100 miles...she just worries about Jody. >g<

I have done the 100 after a night of rain at Biltmore before. It wasn't
that bad that time. My biggest fear is the lightning. It seems to show up
every year and storms naturally run along the river in these mountainous
areas. There are long sections of trail along the river and it's kinda
tough to make yourself head out with it flashing out there.

Wish us *all* luck!

Angie McGhee


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