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Re: [RC] another bee question - Marv Walker

Do we have any bee experts out there to answer a basic question?  Do bees return to the same ground nest year after year?  We have a trail up in the mountains that has what I call ground yellow jackets on it, they come out of a hole in the ground, and you can't really get away due to a ledge on one side and a cliff on the other.  Needless to say we have had some really fun experiences there.   Now that it is winter we are using the trail again but I'm thinking ahead to next summer.  Any ideas?

Running 100+ hives may not qualify me as a bee expert but I know
a little about bees.  If they are in the ground they aren't bees.
They are likely the hornets known as Yellow Jackets. 

When they become a problem take some bait close to the area
where you see them, rotting meat works good, and when you see
where they are coming from the ground, walk up and wasp spray
the entrance really good.

Bees get a bad rap.  Very few of the crimes charged to them
are true.

Marv "Bees will leave you be if you leave them be but Paravespula
vulgaris are born nasty then get better at it." Walker
Horse Info & DVDs: http://MarvWalker.com

[RC] another bee question, LRN8554