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[RC] Staging Area thieves - Diane Trefethen

Apparently this is getting out of hand. I got the following from a friend of mine whom I believe knows nothing about this discussion here on Ridecamp:
Is this like the 20th break in at local trail heads for joggers-horse back riders???Broken glass from cars in parking lots from dog walker's cars? You would think the parks and sherrifs would have been closer to getting them by now-no broken glass-broke the door lock instead-mighty nice of them-would have been nicer if they just took cash/cards and left all the other personal hard to replace stuff!-got both of our purses-truck tools-emergency kit down at rattlesnake bar yesterday[auburn/folsom side]-everything was deserted except one older 4 door with a trunk white 80's toyota/datsun type car---we should have written down the license plate! Hind sight is everything-we stopped at my bank on way back and actually got a stop put on the cards while they were being used. $671 Ralphs on hwy 49-$400something and a $700 something at kmart-big shoppers-$1100 at kmart eh? chuckle
Anyone else with any info-descriptions of vehicles seen please let us know.
We called the sherrif to report the thiefs were at those stores right then but they said they could do nothing till parks dept had taken a report-imagine that-they can't go get the bad guys in the act till report is filled out? LOL
The park ranger asked if there was anything identifiable in my belongings should they nab them-I said look for ralphs and kmart bags!!!!!
Please pass the word along if you're out an about to your fellow vehicle
park-ee's. The alarm on her truck didn't stop them!!

BE SAFE, you guys!!


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