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[RC] Ulcers and endurance horses - Sheila_Larsen

I thought I had read that one reason endurance horses may have ulcers in
addition to stress of trailering and competition was that because they trot
extensively there was "sloshing" of gastric acid into the portion of the
stomach that is not normally exposed to such acidic gastric fluid.  Don't
know what the effect of cantering would be.

I also had read the information about alfalfa and buffering for ulcers,
which is probably a good reason to feed at least some alfalfa at endurance
rides and at home.  Of course here in California one has to think about the
formation of entroliths from feeding too much alfalfa.   Having a horse
that suffered from ulcers I just try and make sure to feed Neighlox (after
treating for ulcers of course).  Symptom free for three years.


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