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Re: [RC] re: 100s discussion - Diane Trefethen

Kristen A Fisher wrote:
What I want to know is, when someone says their horse doesn't like 100s, or
isn't ready for 100s, or needs rest after 100 - so many people jump in and
tell them they are wrong.

The only person that knows that horse and is qualified to make a
determination on what the horse can/can't/should/shouldn't do is its
Hi Kristen,

I think you misunderstood Cindy. She, and others too, knows that a horse conditioned well enough to COMPLETE a 24-hr 100 is not a horse that needs to be laid off for a month afterwards. It has nothing to do with the needs of the horse and everything to do with the perceptions (and inexperience) of the rider.

Similarly, many "newbies" presume that if their horses can't finish an LD with virtually perfect scores, their horses aren't ready for a 50. This is a fallacy which will be revealed to the newbies as they progress through conditioning and then complete their first 50's. True some horses are destined to never be capable of going more than 25 miles, but many are going to get B's and C's whether they go 25, 50 or 100 miles. And yet another group will get BETTER marks at longer distances!

The key in both cases, lay-offs and vet scores, is experience. Yes, EACH horse will have it's unique needs, but MOST horses do fine with just a week to ten days off after a 100 before they return to their maintenance conditioning schedule and MOST horses will get some B's and C's on their vet cards, no matter the distance.


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RE: [RC] re: 100s discussion, Kristen A Fisher