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RE: [RC] lowered age limit - Tom Sites

I have probably sold, bred, brokered and gave away over 70 horses.  Here's a breakdown of the worst, the sad, and the breath of breeding air to breathe.
The worst:  A 5yo entire (do you see that suckers chest) who in 30 days was gelded, broke to saddle and bowed a tendon in training.
The sad:  A 3-4 yo gelding sold and broke to saddle and won his first 50 at a hard, fast fifty (i never knew he could run so fast) at 6 and was never sound or completed a ride after.
The Breath of Breeding Air to Breathe:  Another 4 yo gelding sold after i rode him on his first 35 LD.  Brought along slow and rode to good training protocols and finished, won and BC'ed for years(I Love this horse).  Competed abroad and is still rode today at 19 or so.
Since i never broke even, much less made a profit breeding, where do you think i get my satisfaction from?  What do you think i think on this subject?  Cheers,ts