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RE: [RC] racing ettiquette, is there such a thing? - Jannelle Wilde & Adam Falk

Why is it proper ettiquette to stop while someone else's horse is drinking
if it is a race? I never understood that.

[Jannelle Wilde & Adam Falk] 
I think that there are almost two events going on at the same time.  One is
a 'Race' and the first one across the line wins.  Sometimes I am in that
group.  The other is a timed ride where you just want to finish with a
healthy, sound, happy horse.  Sometimes I am in this group.  More often than
not the two groups do not really cross paths.  Some one who is out to cross
the line first may know that their horse does not need to drink at a
particular water spot and will loose valuable time trying to make it drink.
I have been fortunate that when I am the slow one at the water, people have
always asked if they can leave, and go away calmly.  I always try to provide
the same courtesy.  We all use the same trail, but with different goals and
needs.  When I am going fast, I have rarely seen any other riders in front
of me that are not trying to beat me.  Once we passed a group of 25 milers
toward the end of a ride, and we were moving out at a canter.  The trail was
wide and we asked to pass with plenty of room.  

The bottom line I think is that this is not a sport where we are getting
paid lots of money to win, and I cannot think of any reason to place a "win"
over the health and safety of a fellow rider or their horse.



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Re: [RC] racing ettiquette, is there such a thing?, Betsy O'Shea