The mustang I won at the AERC convention was delivered to an adoption
facility near (60miles) where I live. I picked her up on
Wednesday. She very quietly loaded into my trailer via the facility "s
impressive ramp system. She stepped right up into the trailer like a
pro. Actually some of my TB's weren't that good at 6yrs!
The facility manager impressed several times that we weren't dealing with a
domestic animal---theyactually tied all the latches. Hmmm good. She
rode in the trailer without moving! Amazing.
When I got to the training facility where she will stay for a while to
learn ground manners etc., I assumed they would just run her directly from the
trailer to the barn aisle and a stall. Oh no. The trainer got in the
trailer, worked with her for several minutes, hooked on a lead rope, and then
used an old quiet QH to cajole her into the barn and the breaking pen. Was
I impressed. He started working with her John Lyons stuff and soon was
able to touch her easily. He said that mustangs were good to work with since
their reaction were pure and not messed up by earlier human contact.