I wouldn't worry much. It is a self correcting problem. If people in the SE what to listen to the "anti-electrolyte" on the electronic list instead of the people who have ridden the region for years or the vets who have seen it for years, that's their choice but I suspect they will either learn fast or not be around long. Our loops are normally short enough and vets good enough that the horses can be saved from a rider trying the latest "Internet fad" be it the "horseshoing is horse abuse" or "electrolytes are the work of the devil" camps on the Internet.
Why would you use an inflammatory line like "Electrolytes are the work of the devil" camps on the Internet." in your post when you are referring to this discussion of electrolytes. I realize that you did address this to Angie, but why send this to the group when you could have sent this private. 99.9% of this discussion has been very civil and respectful. I have found it very informative and it sounded like others on the list also found it informative.
I feel that inflammatory lines like "work of the devil" actually stifle and inhibit good discussion of a topic that most of us find interesting and useful regardless of if or how one uses electrolytes. I would much rather see informative discussions like this then some of the other threads that catch on and have nothing to do with endurance. You yourself have made some really good contributions to this discussion so I don't know why you would start making derogatory comments that might keep others from sharing their elyte protocols, experiences, and knowledge with the group.