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[RC] How did you get started? - heidi larson

 I'll try to keep this short, but if any of you know me, you'll know how hard that is!!  I was trail riding with my friend and son (who was asleep in front of me on the saddle) ran into a gal training, said hi and didn't think anything else about it.  Was working at a groc. store at the time and a few months later a gal (same as above only I didn't know it) came in, bought a bunch of groc. and I helped her out to her rig.  Saw her coat with something about endurance on the back, got to chatting that I also owned horses, (imagine, ME talking about horses, no way!) mentioned very quietly that I owned an ayrab (we live in QH/paint country, arab is a nasty word to some people) one sentence led to another, soon we found out we lived 3 miles from each other, rode some of the same trails, she'd seen me with my son earlier in the year, we made a date to go riding together.  She and her husband talked me into trying my first ride (Renegade Rendezvous) and we tagged along, did our first 25 miler, top tenned w/o seeming to try (my horse bucked for the first 1/2 mile, I wore jeans and had a western saddle then) we had a blast, I was hooked and we've been friends ever since!  (Dawneen Sheldon)

Heidi-aerc#M20935 /\_/\~ http://www.synjinarts.com
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[RC] How did you get started?, Ed Kilpatrick