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Re: [RC] Trailer - Must Haves - Chris Paus

1. something to cook on. I like to keep it simple. I have a 1 burner propane stove.
2. some way to clean up. I've got one of those 5 gallon solar shower thingies.
3. a way to keep cool. I have an AC unit on my trailer, but no generator, so if the campground doesn't have electric hookups, I use a battery operated fan.
4. A way to keep warm. I won one of those Black Cat catalytic heaters at a CTR. It's fabulous! runs of a little propane tank. It's just right to keep my trailer toasty. I get the trailer warm and then turn off the heater before climbing under the covers. In the morning, I heat the trailer up again for getting dressed.
5. Some way to go potty in a socially acctable manner, LOL. I've got a camping flush type potty. It fits behind a curtain in my trailer if I'm camping solo. If I've got company, we put it in a stall for more privacy. I empty it at the trailer dump stations.

Alisanne Steele <sanne@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi All!
I just purchased my camping trailer (a 3-horse gooseneck) and want to know what you all consider absolute must haves at camp for a ride.  It is not a LQ model, but has a very generous dressing room and mattress over the gooseneck?
Thank you for your input!
Alisanne Steele & Taz
Reno, Nevada
There's nothing better for the soul of a man than the outside of a horse.
                  ~Ronald Reagan

"Kindness is the mightiest force in the world.
Chris Paus
Lake Region SWA  http://lakeregionswa.fws1.com

[RC] Trailer - Must Haves, Alisanne Steele