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[RC] L.O.V.E ride in CA - Mary Abbott

Was reviewing this week's posts and saw the concern raised about horses
getting sick after the Lake Oroville ride.  First of all, I want to say this
ride was WONDERFUL!  It was well managed.  Had sandwiches, fruit and snacks
for riders at lunch, and hay and mash for the horses.  It had nice,
well-marked trails, and lots of dedicated volunteers--many folks who were
sitting alone out in the middle of nowhere at trail intersections just to
make sure we went the right way!  And the beautiful weather, which I'm sure
they ordered, was a great addition, as well.

I took my horse to this ride and did the 30. We had a great time!  About
four days afterwards, though, I wondered if he had caught something there.
He never had a temperature, but he seemed down in the dumps...had a little
diarrhea (I know you wanted to hear that!) and a little less appetite.
Frankly, he has just started to appear to be back to normal in the past
couple of days.  What sort of sickness was it that the others experienced?
I'd like to know if I should be watching for anything else. Of course, his
symptoms may have had absolutely nothing to do with the ride at all.  He has
allergies that sometimes bother him, too.  But just in case, please feel
free to contact me, mabbott at wizwire dot com.

Again, I want to emphasize it was a great ride!

Mary Abbott
Grass Valley, CA


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