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Re: [RC] cost of rides - Nancy Sturm

Spot on, Carolyn.  Someone told me that the vets for Oregon rides get $400.  After wartching the hours they work,  standing out in the sun, heat, dust, or dripping rain, I think they're probably underpaid.
I used to ride in a lot of bike races.  Many of them had corporate sponsors.   One of the best was sponsored by a large hospital.  They put on an amazing event - terrific food, huge prizes, a trip to Disneyland, for instance.  No vets.
Nancy Sturm
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 9/8/2005 9:38:46 AM
Subject: Re: [RC] cost of rides

So how many vets do you need to do 500 bikes :-)

Kathy Ramspott <kramspott@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Marlene Moss wrote:

> The cost of the rides themselves is already getting scary. We?ve got
> rides in the Mountain Region where even the LD is $85. So for one, I?m
> going to take my very green horse and do the fun ride instead! Gotta
> save my bucks for Grand Canyon !
I am curious. Organized bike rides for $20 and you get:

all the water and gatorade you could want at multiple rest stops
all the snacks, energy bars and fruit you could want at rest stops
If you want to stop or if you are having any problems you turn your bike
over and trucks come by and help you out througout the day
A meal at completion
A free massage at completion.

All this for $20. Now, what I am thinking though is that there are also
upwards of 100 riders, in this particular case 500 riders. Is THAT what
makes it so inexpensive? So if a Endurance ride could consistently have
hundreds of riders maybe they too would be less expensive?

Kathy R - Georgia


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Carolyn Burgess
Phone: 1-978-897-6624
Fax: 1-419-735-1117