Re: [RC] bungee ties....not my horses - Suzi Maiorisi
I was covering my trailer with a tarp the other day (no horses anywhere
near, had furniture in it) and my sister and I were trying to get them all
arranged and sproing! one went flying - took us 30 minutes to find the ding
blinged thing as it shot over 75' across the yard OMG...I'll take my spider web
thing for covering the trailer/truck bed and leave the bungees for stretching
tarps over the chicken yard!
Marv posted : >>>The stretching of the bungees shrunk
the diameter enough to pull them out of their clips while still retaining
the clips to the cords on one side of the clips.One went completely through
her lower lip and blew the backs off of two of her lower incisors and
chipped one biting edge really good.During the two hours of Sunday barnyard
surgery we had a lot of time to talk to the vet about bungee injuries
and fatalities.<<<
And I bet Marv was glad it was not a
human that got hit by the bungee missile. Can you imagine something hitting
a persons body that hard? Enough to take teeth off a horse??? Gawd, WHY
would anyone use the dang things??? I have heard MORE accident "reports"
from bungees breaking and giving, and then becoming a missile of
destruction. And if you release one with a quick release snap as it is
stretched out, that free end is most likely going to go flying and hit
something, or someone.
If anyone loves bungees, I have a couple hi-tie
bungees I'll sell you....cuz they have been replaces with cotton rope ties
on my horses.Also, if they get a leg over a cotton rope by accident, it
will be much less of a rope burn that what the material in bungee ties will